I’ve been on TRT 125mg ew split 3x with HCG split 3 times ew. I haven’t blasted in more than a year.
I’m thinking of doing a blast. Nothing crazy like I used to go with like 1500-2000g of anabolics.
I’m getting back into Muay Thai just for my enjoyment, not competing. But I also still have to gain some muscle mass. I tend to lose bf doing Muay Thai anyways so I don’t want to be in a catabolic state. Obviously I will eat enough protein but AAS also helps.
I have thinking
300mg test Cyp ew
300mg primo ew
250mg deca ew
20mg winny ed split morning to night.
2iu HGH at night with pharma grade. I heard 2iu is a good start with Aas and avoids any side effects.
My body composition is I’m 6’2 and 210lbs. Around 14% bf from my testing.
I’m an experienced user of aas but never Hgh.
What do you guys think. I want to lift 4 times a week in the morning and do 2-3 times of Muay Thai training at night. So I need to have enough anabolics to help keep me going.
I want sure if winny at 20mg is even worth it. Or should I drop deca and and just use more winny.
Seeing as you lift and fight/spar…i would imagine winny would be less beneficial then deca…also i am a bit biased,i like deca better then winny,other guys will chime in…
100% I agree with John. I think the primo at this stage is a waste and winny I would wait for a bit later to get your joints back in shape for fighting first. I would do EQ instead of Deca but thats my preference. GH is a great. Hows your stamina?
Thanks for the tip. I actually hate EQ. I don’t think I’ll run it. I know it’s great for stamina with increasing RBC count but I already need to donate blood all the time even on 125mg of TRT so I think it will be over kill. My stamina is always good with gear. I actually think I hurt it before running too much with high BP which is why I want to keep it under 1g with “milder” compounds.
My last “blast” over 1 year ago was with 300mg of primo and 400mg of test and it was exactly what I wanted. I didn’t get huge but I also don’t want to get that big anymore. I added decent size and strength. I know people say primo needs to ran at a higher dose but it’s becoming my favorite compound to add at my current stage of life.
I just wasn’t sure if I should also have a bit of deca or winny. I might drop the winny as @John suggested. I always ran it at 50-100mg and loved it. But maybe it’s not going to do much at 20mg.
I’m at a stage where less is more if you know what I mean. I feel like I probably should followed it in my younger days. I ran way too much before.
Ultimately I’d like to keep at 210lb but drop down to maybe 10% bf or a bit lower if possible with strength gains.
I’m not going to lie. I used to feel the same about primo. But I found it really good for quality muscle growth with minimal size effects. It is very mild but my understanding is that it’s very good for anti catabolic effects which is why I like it for Muay Thai.
It is an expensive compound. And if you want more mass and strength there’s better compounds for sure. But for me money is not an issue these days, not trying to brag but my business is going really well these days. I’m really happy as I’ve come a long way from being an addict running ridiculous amounts of gear. Although functional, to a certain extent as I wasn’t ever homeless or anything like. But didn’t live to my full potential.
Funny enough, I started the business with the stimulus check I got from Trump. Don’t care what anyone says I love that guy for that check
I appreciate everyone’s advice. I don’t mean to be stubborn but I think I will keep primo as I really feel like it does what I want in keeping muscle without losing strength when dropping bf doing Muay Thai.
I think I will keep deca as it does help my joints.
I’m of the opinion that way more folks don’t find their full potential for one reason or another. I believe most people are capable of great things if the right combination of opportunities and their mindset comes together at the right time.
You’re not bragging at all. Be proud of your accomplishments. Pay it forward… mentor someone else on how to live to their full potential… make your little slice of the world a better place. Just think how much better mankind would be if 50% of people did this.
Red Blood Cells**
Mean Cell Volume** Red Cell Distribution** Mean Cell Hb**
RBC is as at the upper limits of normal. The others were high. I donate every 3 month to keep is within normal range. Mostly Haematocrit levels as I believe that can lead to blood clots
I wish I did more blood works before.
I actually had acute kidney failure from anavar and tren. People say anavar is safe because it’s not very hepatotoxic but it’s processed by the kidneys.
High BP, kidneys pushing high nitrogen retention in muscles for growth, and compounds like tren and anavar that’s kidney toxic can absolutely kill your kidneys.
My kidneys are now normal levels but a bit lower than it should be for my age. Not bad but not good. I was actually left partially paralyzed from the acute kidney failure. My electrolytes were down the tube and the muscles couldn’t contract.
All of these will continue to increase the more frequently you donate. As well as absolutely CRUSH your iron storage.
There’s zero evidence saying frequent donation will assist positively with this.
These folks in chile live for a very long time with little to no strokes present with hemoglobin of 23 and a hematocrit of 70.
Frequent blood dumping is most likely doing you more harm than good, the rebound effect of these frequent donations is in all actuality what’s keeping your numbers elevated.
I had some suspicion of if it really matters myself. I ran gear for about 10 years without ever donating blood. It wasn’t until I started on TRT the doctor told me to donate.
Yeah man. I walk around with a hematocrit around 55 fully hydrated. I live at high elevation use AAS. I probably still wouldn’t worry about it even if it was 60. Skip a few months if you can get labs get your iron levels checked because you may have tanked them donating that often.
I agree with @Neuro on the lack of evidence about donating helping anything other than the Red Cross. lol
I disagree with the boys on Primo. If you’ve got real primo it’ll shine anywhere. Helps modulate e2 so you won’t need an AI at high test levels and it’s great at sparing lean muscle even at very low cal state. Like @Poppy said though it is very $$$. Have you considered Masteron ? Very similar and much cheaper
Primo for me really shines for me in the right situation which is when I’m very active doing Muay Thai but still lifting. Helps keep any gains if I’m dropping bf. It’s really good as an anti catabolic agent in my experience.
It’s a quality Aas in the right situation. It’s not the most cost effective dollar per dollar if your priorities are mass and strength.