HGH- priced so LOW everyone can have a piece of the pie!

100iu Eurotropin 3,33mg (10 vial x 10iu) - 191aa etc - Euro-Pharmacies
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 10IU vial(3.3mg)
Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
ONLY 160 CLAMS :shell: :shell:

High Quality Products at the lowest prices possible.

P.S.L. or Puritysourcelabs.ru dedicated sponsor category.

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Test dates are from 2019??

See our most recent one below :slight_smile:


jump on it

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My apologies i mistakenly posted the wrong test.
Thank you for noticing and bringing this to our attention.

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