NAPs gear Dragon Pharma Test Enanthate fake. Positive for Test Propionate. Do not order

Member @Kad1 has tested a few of Naps products with @ROIDTEST. Two came back positive for what it should be and other came back fake. There was testosterone in the vial but not the ester paid for. It tested positive for Testosterone Propionate instead of Enanthate.

After the photos were mentioned to Naps they responded with a basic fuck you to the member that roidtest is wrong and they have tested it with anabolic lab. Well for a fact not ever batch they sell is tested with anabolic lab and roidtest was not wrong or other vials would have come back wrong also.

Failed roidtest test for Propionate.

Naps bullshit response.

Passed test from roidtest.

In an official thought because of Naps response over 1 vial, they can go fuck themselves.

If you want legit Dragon Pharma or to deal with source that actually gives a fuck. Check pharmacomstore. They’re the only ones I know of on here that carry that product. As @Ironside said “fatraver” and Darius took care of him in the past too lol. If any other sponsors do carry this brand just let know and will post it up here as well.


Tagging fatraver cause I know he still logs in to read lol.



Lmao that was the funniest typo I’ve ever made. Hahaha Fatraver


What happens when no longer active on here


The more disturbing part of this is that Naps wouldn’t back me up. Mind boggling to me. Over 1 bottle of test your willing to lose a customer and potentially all the UGM family

I stand behind dropping their banner and putting them on the Do Not Order


I agree and would be pissed if they were not. You sold fake gear plain and simple, not saying they knew but they made no attempt to correct it

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Well it’s not fake. It’s just not what you ordered. Period. You ordered Test Enanthate, you got Test Prop that was labeled Enanthate. Regardless, it’s not what you ordered or what you wanted and they should have replaced the damn thing. Fake and labeled improperly are 2 very different things

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You are correct, sorry for that. It is test prop.

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That’s just it. They are reselling a brand and they are still responsible for what they sell. Whether they make it or not. @Steroidify doesn’t treat clients like this and they resell brands also. You had another order in with them already and they’d rather fuck you then make it right.


Correct I had just placed another $400 order which I’d like to send back. How do I know it’s actual primo 200? No way to know even though they say it’s “lab” tested

Not nice Naps :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Definitely a fucked up situation. And I’m glad this forum is more of a brotherhood and looks out for one another. Good catch for sure.


Well stated @TG … power in numbers, boycott them as a group, they will certainly lose more then the $64 (which prob cost them $12) in lost revenue! I don’t like signing for shit anyway, so I’ll stick to our reputable sources here!


Thats a real dick move on Naps behalf. They have been suppliers for quite some time now and should know how this game works and how to treat customers. Fuck em’! I haven’t used them in at least 7 years and now will definitely never use them again. Sorry about the situation @Kad1, if there’s anything I can do or the community just let us know bro.


@Raphael3636, thanks bud. All good, just expected people to do the right thing. As I said it’s only 1 vial and it’s not about the money just the shit response from naps. Especially after spending thousands with them

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Thanks for sharing this. I’ve got some Dragon Masteron here I’ll see if RoidTest says about that before I use it.

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This guys on his way to be very lean lol IF he manages to not passout, he lookin beet red


@TG can you share batch # for the DP Test?