Neuro New Log Small Cuts

Bloods drawn this morning. Should be back in a couple days.

The plan:
Several week cut, diet will be high protein, carbs around workouts, and most likely one moderate carb meal at work. With how much I’m on my feet I’ve gone hypo at work during a cut and it’s no buenooo.

Up GH to 4iu. Split into two doses. (If I can remember. If not I’ll just stick to bed time)

Test e 525 weekly. 10-20mg ment PWO. Possibly some winny pwo.

Training will be:

Legs 1x weekly due to the amount of work put on them for cardio with the bike. Will be primary ham/glute focused with a few quad exercises sprinkled in.

Cardio: bike 6 days a week is the goal.

No specific weight loss on mind. Once we’re at a good lean base I will then add back in some more carbs to slowly add some muscle while staying lean.


Wise man. You’ve got my wheels turning…

Let’s get after it big boy!!!


Thank you sir! You asked me a question a month or so… “are you gonna mess around and get really lean?”

Now the answer is yes :smirk:


Costco haul:
3 boxes of egg white cartons.
Fat free Greek yogurt
Chicken meat balls
Pulled rotisserie chicken
Hard boiled eggs
Frozen stir-fry veggies
Frozen bare fried chicken breast
Fairlife protein shakes 30g protein per shake. I use these at work or if I wake up in the middle of the night hungry.
Bone broth- high in glycine which is great for gut health, and I use this when I think I’m hungry but shouldn’t be- 9 g of protein no carbs no fats.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen these!!!

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Pre cooked. Pop em in the air fryer or microwave. They are great. I’ll look at the exact macros when I get home.


Not worth making a main source of protein but an easy snack.


Just like chicken sausage

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Bloods came back much improved. Time to get leannnn.

This AM clen and caffeine 45 pre bike ride.
35min ride, 16 min zone 2.

Egg whites and cream of rice post ride.

Little morning siesta.

Greek yogurt and sourdough toast with avacado

Banded rows warmup x enough
Pull-ups: x 4

KB Kong row x 4
Narrow pull downs x 4
Single arm cable row x 4
Row machine x4

Kb high pulls x 4
Kb curls x4
Preacher curls x4


Man it must have cooled down up there because clen and 100’s suck


Hahaha nope. It was 98 when I rode.

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Well at least he muscles are warm. My coach and his girl are I. Prep and they been training in 100 degrees at gym. Have heard of pursuit fitness?


I have not. Why do you ask?

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That’s where the works and trains I think they are bout to have rebrand opening

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Ft Collins is about 50min north of me. I’ve never been there, but damn that gym looks sick.

Armbrust, phil heaths home gym is only like 25 min away. I keep acting like I’m gonna go check it out but I never do.

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Yeah wasn’t sure how close it would be. They are having Thor coming through there at some point soon. If I wa sub area I’d go just so i actually don’t just feel small but look small for once


Damn. That would be cool. I’ll keep an eye out for that.

If you feel small, I’m out.

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Now you’re cooking!!!


Coffee…clen….98 degrees…. Fixie ride….

I’m thinking you’re going to get ridiculously lean

That’s the goal! Just read my clen is expired so might be why it was tolerable today :joy::joy:

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