NEW Sarms, Research Chems amd Peptides.. NS - Natural Sarms and more!

No freebies there needs to be a sponsored log or contest.

Please remember we don’t allow freebies. I post this because you will have a hundred people wanting freebies and we don’t allow promo whores at ugmuscle.



From personal experience (I’ve ran an osta cycle, LGD cycle, and LGD+RAD cycle), sides are largely minimal. Osta is very light and great for keeping on mass while cutting. On LGD I put a solid 60 pounds on all my lifts within 3 months. Just started my LGD+RAD cycle so verdict isn’t out yet but so far so good. I shouldn’t have used DMSO as my solvent though as the taste and the way it makes my body smell are horrid. Suppression on osta was minimal. On LGD it was definitely noticeable though.

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wow… great feedback man… can I share you’re feedback about using sarms with others, because I like the attention to detail and paying attention to all the adjustments…

Sure thing. I haven’t been running them for long but so far I’ve been pleased with the results and the only real side effects that I’ve noticed are suppression and elevated liver enzymes.