Opinions needed on Peptides for Tendon Repair

i got one more year left until i get my doctorate in physical therapy, i have been working on bench pressing doing a ton rehab exercises as i have a torn labrum. I have found that a low dose of tb500 about 2mg per week, allows me to bench press without pain. I have to bench wide only though, like index finger on line. No pain when doing that though. Recently started up hgh slowly titrating up to 5iu hoping for that to get all the joints feeling good. Once at 5iu i plan on running test/eq more like 20 weeks, i love eq as i have low hematocrit, nauturally it is bottom of reference range with eq at 750mg it is at about middle/top



Very good.

Then it’s off to work… my suggestion is to move back into parent’s basement… play video games…lift weights…smoke weed.

You got plenty of time to work later.

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that sounds like a good idea as i will have about 75k of student debt that i want to pay off fast. Then propose to my girlfriend when i actually have some money, and get a house. But that is many years away. Haha. For now i focus on the bench press and school. How has life been treating you recently @Poppy


Other than old man problems (aches/pains) I’m great.

I can tell you things look a lot different from my perspective now than it did 40 years ago.


I started realizing how much time I lost doing shit that doesn’t matter anymore lol. Different perspective for sure as we get older.




I failed my 20’s and 30’s.

40’s i got a C.

50’s maybe a B +.

Shooting for an A in my 60’s.


Goals are #1 i wish you the best


I lost a lot of time but I wouldn’t change it. I had great times bad times worst times but here I am doin well now and as long as I keep making good decisions going forward life will be good. Could have I maybe focused more on work and everything when I was younger yes. But then I may have looked back when I’m older a wished I would have had more fun when my body was able to handle it.


I know what you mean. I wouldnt be where I am today if I hadnt made the decisions I did do. Wouldnt have my family like I do now.

I think mostly I wouldnt have wasted so much money on things that didnt matter as much. Like working up cars and trucks, motorcycles (never really need 3 but wanted them), buying so much alcohol over the years. That money was just wasted and I wish I had invested it more instead of waste it. I dont have any of those vehicles or bikes anymore and cant remember how to rebuild a motor today if I had too lol. Basic things stayed yeah but cars have changed and where I live now need to have electric car by 2030 or cant drive in city centers.

I wish I would have bought the land I originally wanted (was extremely cheap) and not listened to people when they said it was too far out and not worth it. That land is worth way more now then it was being sold for in mid 90s.

I probably would have liked to rest more (not go out so much) and train a bit differently to compete in different things.


Late post to this.

Wifey turns 60 this year and for the last several months she’s had bad pain in her hands/finger joints.

I’ve been hitting her with bpc157 the last several days…250mcg a day.

It has helped tremendously. She’s feeling much better. I’m going to run this vial dry and reevaluate her.

We’ve been doing glutathione together too.


The couple that pins together wins together or something like that


13 year anniversary this year…


Just to put it in perspective… we were engaged several times prior to the actual marriage and one big break up early on in the marriage.

Getting married for the second time was extremely difficult.

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I’m not sure if the girl and I are officially back together but I’m not worried what we are labeled as long as she says yes when I propose and I do at the wedding.


There’s a couple of sponsors that make the BPC & TB in nasal spray that folks say works just as well, but it’s more expensive than the vials.

Hit her with both for quite a while and she will feel great. It works if there’s something to work on, but has almost no proven studies that it does anything preventative.


Funny…i just tried explaining that to her yesterday.

She swears her fingers/hands are feeling better but is under the impression that she needs this forever… I tried explaining “honey…there’s an end to this…at least for a period of time.”

I just ran out and ordered more so we’ll see how she does with the break.

Very hard judging someone else’s pain/need when you know there’s a …. Uhhh…Clears throat… “drama” multiplier


Yes, very hard to judge others pain and what they’re going through.

Stuff does work and will likely heal what she’s got going on after a good round of both the TB and BPC.

I’ve had trouble from my normal suppliers finding it in stock in both combo and singles.

Who are you using, if I’m allowed to ask, or just PM me??


Says you’ve disabled your chat….

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Alot of people seem to have disabled thier chats lol

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