Primo's Iron Junkie Labs test e 300mgs var 50mg cycle Iron Junkie Labs

If you figure out a way key me know, I myself am covered and am wery about posting pics

So this is my check in about the @Iron_Junkie_Labs anavar 50mg and test 300mgs Iā€™ve taken 2 shots .5ml each no problems everything was great. No pip to speak of i donā€™t really experience pip so I didnā€™t expect any.
The var im really happy to be taking its strong Iā€™ve already been getting coins together to get more.
I wish I could tell you more but the test will take a couple of weeks.
If youā€™re looking for var you can use Iron junkie and you will be happy about it.
I really enjoy that super amount of blood flow into my muscles. I just got done actually doing arms and shoulders and my shoulders still feel so full its the reason I love var. Looking in the mirror and I will be the first to admit im very much vain. I can see the extra blood in the muscles. Loving it


I thought about blurring the whole picture but that would defeat the purpose but if you see one posted I will let you know what I figured out

So Iā€™ve really been slacking on my commitment here.
I want to apologize to @Iron_Junkie_Labs because Iā€™m supposed to give a honest review and update everyone and I havenā€™t been on that much.
I can say that im definitely loving the var if you need var he has good var.
The test has been pinning nice and smooth no painful injections.
Im starting to get a little acne so definitely getting my test levels up.
My workouts have been great except that my muscles feel like there going to explode from the var pumps. Iā€™ve been having to take longer between sets to not rip a tendon. I have put on weight but its 2 lbs and its just my estro climbing and me eating more since im on cycle nothing noticeable yet.


Haha i was wondering where you went, but thats great bro im glad your loving it, i hope to hear from you shortly about the gains your making :muscle:

I really appreciate your log man, been searching for a good domestic var for a while. Looking forward to following your log, I myself would love to upload pics but I have very distinctive tattoos that worry me.

I appreciate that im trying to keep a good log but im not really used to being in a forum. Im covered from my waist to my hands and neck im trying to figure something out but really anything I could do would defeat the point of posting a pic.
I might just say f it and let you guys see the work Iā€™ve got

Its happening im getting that juiced up feeling in the gym the scale is moving so I have some water in me and the var has my muscles tight.

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Thatā€™s great to hear man!

You are going to run var also from @Iron_Junkie_Labs?
Are you going to keep a log?

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Yeah Iā€™ll be running var as well, from his new batch so Iā€™m hoping itā€™s just as potent! Seems to be a pretty good dude so Iā€™ll remain hopeful. Havenā€™t put much thought into keeping a log but yeah I think I will.

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Just to clarify our new batch is the same exact raws we used for the old its just a newer batch because we are switching from 50mg/cap to 25mg/cap. We supply only the best, be at ease =)


Thanks for the heads up man!