A few items on sale/prices reduced. Psl local store

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Methenolone Acetate (Primobolan Acetate) - 50mg/ml 10ml/vial 35🎁a
A 50 - 50mg/ml 10ml vials 29 :gift:
Test 400 400mg/ml 10ml vials 65 :gift:
Trestolone ace β€œment” 50mg/ml 10ml/vial 55 :gift:

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That’s a good amount of presents for ment


ihave their stenbolone, Ill get primo acetate and Ment. set. Go. Ill do a dirtynasty protocol 100mg each per day for 40 days.guranntee if its bigsomeone wanted or hard as a rock, even strength training right, with 700 a week of those 3, LOL