An order i recently made

Hi, ive made an order and sent payment about 2 days ago and have received no responsesand the money is still sitting there waiting to be picked up.

When can i expect collection of payment and my order to be shipped?
.S.L. or dedicated sponsor category.


@matt88 or one on of the reps can help you with it.


@TG i guess ill just wait for him since you already tagged him lol.

But does this site have an app? And when did the name change?


No app. You can do a web app with Firefox or brave. Just install and add. We spent 10 years at Ugmuscle. Then changed a few weeks ago to new branding but ugmuscle just forwards here now.


I placed an order last Sunday lol, patience is a virtue I suppose


Gentleman, Happy Friday! How is everyone? Thank you for the tag.

I’ve been speaking with mr @AspiringBodyBuilder in DMs :slight_smile: I will continue to stay in contact with him until he receives his order.

Mr @Hunter_Perry Is all good with your order sir? Is there anything i can do for you or are you just waiting on delivery? Feel free to DM as well. This of course goes out to anyone. My DMs are always open. I believe i have my notification setting appropriately set now to know when i receive messages on this great community. I am digging the new community name as well :sunglasses:


Thanks bro. Our traffic actually doubled with the new name change lol. A lot easier for search engines as well.


That’s fantastic news sir!


My payment has been received & order being processed so I think I’m all good brother thank you though! I’m hoping it arrives this weekend I’ve never used PSL so I’m not familiar with the turnaround time but i have some goodies laying around so I’m not too stressed about it :call_me_hand:t3:


@TG Hey brother, would you have any advice on how to utilize Letrozole for pct. I have plenty from my moms breast cancer. They are 2.5mg, any recommendations on how to dose this?

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Hey brother, the turnaround is listed during checkout. Without going into too many details there is a method to our madness when it comes to getting orders out. Things are done this way for everyone’s security.

Thank you for being patient! The wait will be worthwhile :grin:

What did you order? :muscle:


Hey brother, sorry to hear about your mom’s cancer. :pray:

You wouldn’t use Letro for PCT. You would look to use a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) such as Tamoxifen or Clomiphene and potentially a more mild Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) such as Exemestane.


Like @rdm said. Letro is more if you get gyno will help get rid of it. Clomid is my go to now for pct if I need to.


I will say for the third time. Take a step back. You’ve already said you don’t have an appetite and aren’t seeing any gains because of it. While on tren. Get your basics squared away and come back to PEDs.


Brother…. @Neuro has given some sage advice.

All that sauce you have and have on the way will keep. Put it somewhere in the house. Back of a sock drawer or a safe if you have one. Top shelf of closet in a shoe box.

My plan of action for you…

Get your labs

Pick out a training template that is friendly with your life/schedule/work/goals.

Start logging your food intake with a free app. Be brutally honest. There’s a lot of calorie dense options out there. Experiment and see which ones you can “eat a lot of”… supplement with a good protein powder.

Give it 3 months and see how you feel… what you’ve learned about your body… etc etc. all of the above can be done simultaneously.

Caveat… most importantly… your labs will dictate many things. You may have hypertension, diabetes, diminished liver/renal function. These things will drive your diet AND your steroid protocol.

Your labs may come back top notch or there may be some underlying issues you need to address.

As stated above by others… drugs are not magic. But they are extremely dangerous and harsh on your body. These dudes here have been doing them a long time and know exactly what works for them and what is a no-go for them.

One last suggestion (for now) start a log under members logs. That will help you remain diligent and transparent. You can log your caloric intake and gym workouts.

We’re all about free will here. You can do whatever you want. We’re all just making suggestions.


Tis all good brother, I ordered dbol & var I have plenty injectables currently & have been running strictly injectables for 8-10 weeks just gonna add some light dbol for 3 weeks & then get started with the var for 5-6 weeks. Caloric surplus for three weeks with light cardio then caloric deficit & high cardio for the remaining weeks. Running a low dose injectable stack of test, tren, mast throughout the cycle. Just 125mg every four days. I’m young but I try to be mindful of the damage peds do, I wasn’t mindful a few years ago & bloodwork, mood & general health got shitty, I learned id rather be healthier & feeling better taking small doses than miserable all the time. After all it’s a marathon not a sprint plus better health/mood = better gains🤙🏼


Smart guy


Exactly what i was thinking!



I have an artice right here in our sub forum that discusses AI, SERMs etc. If you like to give it a read. I’m always critical of my self but I’ve been told by a lot of guys on other forums that it’s a good read :slight_smile:

Just to give you some additional knowledge on estrogen and these drugs as a whole etc.


Thats exactly what hes gonna do.

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