BCCA supplements are bullshit!

Good morning to all! Lets start a debate or not,lol…Are BCAA’s legit or a waste of money far as building muscle…I take it all of us in this group eat enough protein for our bodies,taking in the fact many of us use gear… So my argument is that if BCAA’s are just a waste of money? In my opinion, I say its a waste of money, and BS marketing. I personally consume enough protein to not take any BCAA’s…And that window, pre workout, during workout ,after workout far as BCAA are concerned I still stay bullshit…whats yall opinion?


Similar… I intake protein from several different sources…chicken turkey fish mammals powder eggs nuts etc etc.

I’m of the opinion that extra bcaas would be a waste of money on myself.

Of course I’m pretty much washed up.

Waste the only thing they are good for is flavoring water

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100%. I only take a decent amount of BCAAs as it is a common component of my favorite high caffeine energy drink that has no calories (Reign).

I used to drink Bang here and there mainly because it was supposed to have creatine in there, so I thought I could save on occasionally not using my preworkout or my plain creatine mono to get the daily 5g in. Turns out the owner of Bang is quite the nutcase and is being sued by multiple companies…one for not having the ingredients that are listed in the product. Here is the guy if you don’t know what I’m talking about…very odd dude. LOL

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Dudes like that are “snake oil” salesmen. Probably got a line of crap a mile long

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The amount of bcaa put in any energy drink is so small that I wouldn’t t count it. Any usefull amount they would have to put calories on the can


I’ve used them. Never noticed anything. I’m saying total BS


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