Citrulline and Arginine

Why taurine other then I heard it helps with cramps…


One of those
That doesn’t seem right but it is things


I’ve taken both in the past but didn’t notice any huge benefits from it other than drinking sand. Arginine is supposed to help the body’s production and utilization of nitric oxide while citruline I think is for muscle hydration. I know they work on there own and in tandem but like say it never hit that hard for me.


Citrulline is no product. Glycerol is the hydrated


Agmatine sulfate is good as well if I do cialis one day the pump
Mix the next it’s ducking crazy good


Taurine allegedly is depleted by clen usage, so that is when I used to take it. It does seem to provide a little energetic “kick” much like Chromium.


My diet is so extreme I cramp sometimes. The other day I was cramping in my pec during one arm barbell rows. I thought I injured my pec. Then I tested my other pec by flexing and it cramped too so I realized it was the diet. I drink close to two gallons of water a day but my sodium is low and my potassium and magnesium could definitely be higher.

Benefits of Taurine

  • Reduce muscular fatigue during exercise.
  • Increase force production of muscles.
  • Supports thermoregulation during physical activity.
  • Improve concentration.
  • It’s a cell volumiser so may help prevent cramp.
  • Regulates Calcium levels in cells so helps maintain hydration.

I got some recently. There is a Citrulline/Arginine blend I got on Amazon. Reason I got it was for increased vascularity to use as pre workout. I’ve recently ditched caffeine completely from my diet so this is nice to have. I’ve been taking 2g Citrlline/ 2g arginine PWO it definitely gets the blood flowing, good pumps and I’ve notice a thermogenic effect we’re I sweat a bit more.

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Be careful old man


Gotcha my bad