Daily Vitamins

How we doing everyone :slight_smile: been absent for a bit.

Got divorced last year, purchased new home and now prepping for NPC National Championship Dec 8th & 9th in Irving Texas.

Daughter turned 2 Oct 18th, son is 18 April 26… :tired_face::tired_face:

So now things are somewhat back to normal after the wild ordeal last year.I was still training very hard but just quiet about it.

Hope everyone is doing well, hope everyone is healthy and also happy.

Here are my vitamins that I take on the daily.

** Potassium
** Magnesium
** Fish Oil
** Glucosamine Chondroitin
** Milk Thistle
** Vitamin C
** Multi Vitamin
** Zinc
** Tumeric
** Ashwagandha
** Psyllium Husk
** Whey Protein

Finishing Up with
** Tren Hex 1/2 CC (50Mg per) Tues & Fri
** Winny V 50MG per day
** Nolvadex 20 MG per day.

Training 2 Hours per session, hour work, then hour cardio.

Monday —>> Legs
Tuesday —>> Chest
Wednesday—>> Back
Thursday —->> Arms
Friday —->> Shoulders Abs
Everyday Treadmill 30 Mikes & Stairmaster 30 Mikes

Weekend Off but may come Sat or Sun to do more cardio

Calories have been dropped from 2500 to 1200 per day.

No cramping are tightening up anywhere.

I feel very good and just having a hard time dropping weight. As of now I’m a very hard 174lbs, I need to get down to 165lbs to make welterweight.

I wanna do welterweight as I feel I can do well in that division and possibly get Pro-Card, as top 2 in every division get Pro-Card at this show.

My posing has gotten immensely better and I now present my physique a lot better. But I have PTSD as I got my ass handed to me last year and I don’t have confidence that I can beat the middleweight guys.

A little hard mentally as far as hoping what I bring is good enough but anything better than 9th place from last year is a win. I enjoy the journey and I’m happy to be back on the site to say hi to everyone.

I wanna say thank you for giving me a place to chat with other lifters. I don’t really have a lot of friends and I don’t really have anyone I can talk to are vent to about things. I value this community and I wanna say thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.

I really mean that guys, thank you. :slight_smile:

Hope this made sense, I didn’t get a chance to proof read so I apologize about the grammatical errors.

P.S. I know weight will drop even more once we drop water but we have 4 weeks and 3 days… just kinda freaking out a bit…

P.S.S. I had 2 cheeseburgers and Fries as I got my daughter a happy meal, I damn near came in my got-damn pants… :joy::joy::joy::joy:

No carbs at all for quite some time now.

Just high protein and fats.


I’m thinking that is an overarching trait many of us share.

Sorry about the divorce. Very very ugly stuff. Lots of us been there. It’s been about 20 years for me. Nothing but a distant memory that pops in my head every so often… it gets gone as fast as it comes.

Sounds like you got life by the tail! Stay positive and motivated.


Thank you my brother!! What’s your thoughts on adding clenbuterol to drop a little weight???

Maybe 20mg per day for the next 3 weeks???

Good idea???


I like clen hers the thing with it you’ll. Up the dose as you go though start with 20 for few days then 40 and so on. Run for 2 weeks and you should see good results. If you don’t feel comfortable know it’s king half life so your stuck with that feeling for a hit so it’s wise to not go up anymore if you think that dose is working for me being pretty wxperinced with it I’ll start my dose at 80 and just do how ever long there.


That is out of my wheelhouse my friend. You guys that compete are waaay above me.

Personally I believe that stuff has a place for folks like you…especially you… being on the threshold of getting your pro card.

I’m tagging in those that might give you a good answer. @Neuro @Dirtnasty @PHD @Kad1

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Haha I was just tagging you in

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For a show?

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Yep this is where things like clen t3 and towards the end some diuretics might be used with supervision and caution. If you have a coach this would be somethjng to discuss with him


If you’re not working towards the stage there is, in my opinion, absolutely no reason for the Clen. It’s added cardiac stress for zero reason.


Thank you for replying, I’ve heard this before as far as going about a week maybe 2 then stop for a week.

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I understand the risks involved but if you follow me you’ll see I take everything in very small dosages, I don’t abuse peds at all.

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Lol do you

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My divorce officially just happened recently. I can’t believe I got married and divorced already,my path of destruction scared my kid and my ex-wife.They don’t need me.i found someone already though she’s cool fun to hangout with,but it’s still depressing me Every time I walk in and out my apartment I’m reminded of my divorce.Im ok with not being with my wife,i can see my kid whenever i want,i go to her games,she comes to my place sometime. @USMCInfantryBrothers I vent here also,I have my immediate family with a couple lifelong family friends.


I was actually fine with everything and then the house sold.

Once the house was empty I was looking around and that’s when it hit me…

My daughter took her 1st steps in that house, my son got his 1st job there. I got very emotional and very angry…

This is why I need this community as it helps me to realize that this happens and I have brothers to vent to.

Semper my brother!!! and thank you for responding…

We were together 8 years and things began to go downhill once she got pregnant, (this was in our 7th year) as I felt she got pregnant behind my back.

Now obviously it takes two to tango, but she stopped taking birth control without conversing with me about it.

I thought it was messed up, I love my lil angel but I didn’t want a kid, if I can say that without sounding like an a-hole…

Now I’m the bad guy and everyone is taking her side, her family dislikes me and I’ve been shunned…

Typical attitude towards the man in a divorce. :unamused:


175lbs this morning,

10lbs to go, with 4 weeks and 2 days left til the show.

Do we have any merch I can purchase to wear at the show???

Pics have not been altered in anyway whatsoever. We’re getting there but it’s still not quite good enough.


Look great!

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Just funny how different lighting and mirrors show the physique differently.

This is in my bathroom after buffet at Disney for daughter 2 year bday dinner.

I had 2 plates and was done…

Got very vascular after the dinner, was still hard but very full here.

Pics above are downstairs in my sunroom.

I’m in Florida :wink:


Thank you, it needs to be better… much better.


Yes for pre comp I us 40mg per day and monitor HR and BP. I use in conjunction with T3


Looking good by the way