Dream cycle if money was no object

What would be your dream cycle if you could use anything you wanted, AAS, hgh, ancillaries, pharma. Money is not involved, and your body is healthy.

Dream cycle
1250mg bayer testoviron
1000mg bayer primobolan
300mg Parabolan( if i dont care about health)
50-100mg iranian anadrol preworkout( really liked this only had 50 tabs but those were fire, compared to ugl)

6iu saizen HGH split into 2iu x3 ED
3iu novorapid insulin with each hgh
Pharma igf1 100mcg pwo(not sure on dosing

Have some fun, hope you enjoy


So in this hypothetical the compounds won’t do any damage to body. Cause I may have 2mg daily of mtren split into two shots in mine


1000mg test c weekly 365 days straight
20mg MHN daily 365 days straight
30 mg SuperDrol daily 365 days straight
75 mg proviron daily 365 days straight
Adex .5 EOD
McDonalds EOD
Chinese FOOD the other EOD


You slay me dude




Hey Poppy has goes it?


I am great! Staying up late…maybe all the way to 10:00.

How bout you?


:joy::joy::joy: I’m dying. Only John would add this to his dream cycle


Well @squatter said health is good right, and I gotta Eat to Grow


Ha ha ten

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Long or short?

The only thing I would change is the brand of hgh and the dosage. I wouldn’t run parabolan but I would replace it with pharma grade probably msd or whatever they call themselves now NPP 50mg/ml amps one each day.

Looks amazing though gotta love bayer Testoviron even though its only 180mg in those amps if it isn’t underdosed they allow for a wide swing in actual dosage. If you look on anabolic lab you can see that the french version tasted horribly lol I still love those amps though

Also no adrol but British Dispensary dbol at 30mg pwo love the stuff I would settle for blue hearts.


Lol 365 days straight, you got to up the dose to keep growing

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It didnt now that about testoviron, i have run some and liked it, but most ugl and pharma test is the same about the same. Atleast at ugmuscle.

I think just usong pharma amps makes me feel better

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Short, i dont want huge intestines

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I really enjoy pharma grade products and luckily there are multiple pharma grade companies out there producing excellent quality pharmaceuticals that are top notch.

Yeah I also found out when I tricked Bayer into authenticating my amps and boxes for me that’s a great story but I found out from Bayer depending upon where the Testoviron or other names they use will be sold they actually make them differently for different regions so that the medication is affordable for that region so the best bayer is definitely not the paki and afghan boxes but the polish or anywhere in the EU are the best quality the ones actually from Germany even have the best quality packaging lol that’s how different they all are

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Good to know, got mine from turkey. So they probably werent a+ quality

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That depends what 3 letters are on the box? It might not have actually been meant for Turkey

Usually printed in black dots