Elbow and Knee Sleeves

As always this is what helps me and I attribute my joint health to it.

I’ve been wearing Tommy Kono knee and elbow sleeves for every bit of 20 years. Prior to that it was Mueller brand. In the last 15 years I’ve also purchased elite brand polyester sleeves.

The elite brand polyester sleeves will last forever and are very good but they don’t “warm” the joints as good as the konos. The neoprene is hard to beat as heaters.

For a real heater effect… rub some iceehot on your joints and put the sleeves over it.

I would recommend sleeves to the younger folks to help your joints get/stay warm to preemptively combat joint pain.


I probably need to just commit to the elbow sleeve. Dips and overhead tri work make my elbow feel like it’s got a knife in it.


Highly recommended.

I can’t speak for all neoprene sleeves but I’ve ripped many of my konos.

My fault. I get in a rush and my fingers gouge through the fabric outer and rip the neoprene inner.

I still use them. They just have a tear in part of them.

Maybe others will chime in on different brands. There’s a bunch out there.

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Naked knee for life could I maybe lift more with sleeves sure but there are still times I think about ditching those wrist wraps and being belt only raw


I used mark bells for a bit but felt I was in between sizes. Either a sausage or no real compression. I use the 7mm blue rehband for knee sleeves and would definitely recommend.


That’s top of the line stuff. They’re on my list.

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You would be in a small club

I’ve gone through three pairs in 7 years. But that’s only once I can’t get them to stop stinking.


I throw mine in the pool and rinse them off. Probably not the best thing to do

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have you tried an enzyme cleaner?..walmart has them in the pet section.

Also, wanted to note that I had significant joint pain (daggers) and it was due to adrenal fatigue and a hypothyroid. Both were tested and treated with Armour Thyroid and a combo of Drenamin, Rhodiola Rosea, Schizandra ( over the counter) supplements that reduced it 90%. The reason I mention this is because i am not unconvinced messing around with hormones the way we may exacerbate joint problems.


I still use Mueller and a separate pair over compression for work!!!


I have not. I mainly boiled them. But definitely a good call.

I just got my thyroid checked last round of labs and it was good to go. As soon as it dips armour thyroid is a no brainer to me.


Hell If anyone of the overseas pharmacies carried it I’d just hope on it right now.

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TSH, T3, T4, RT3, all above median??

Amazing that a drug around since the late 1800’s is sooooo controlled by the 3 or 4 companies that make it……about $3.50 a day for me.

For anyone who needs more info…

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TSH: 1.2 (0.4-4.5)
T3 uptake: 37 (22-35)
T4 total: 5.3 (4.9-10.5)
Free t4: 2.0 (1.4-3.8)

It’s unreal. You can get t3/t4 synthetic combo drugs… but not desiccated thyroid.


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I think if/when you check again, RT3 and T3 (total) should be added.

If too much rT3 is attached to the receptors instead of T3, this can lead to symptoms of hypothyroidism.

FWIW…I know you understand this cascade stuff better than most.


I do, or I used to better, I think. Haha we don’t really do much thyroid investigating at work and it’s one helluva a beast. So I can definitely use a refresh.


Within past year,when i moved into my place i misplaced a BIONIC ARM from DonJoy,it was like 60 something i think,i had it for 4 years,not anymore.think im gonna look for the same one

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Maybe 50 something.im gonna go look it up,i looked up other ones mentioned…

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Gee you and your 3rd World Problems with elbow braces.

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