EQ v. Deca for 16-20 weeks?

Opinions? For a winter bulk what’s your preference?

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It’s been decades (35 years) literally since I’ve done deca… so im of no use there.

Eq was about 15 years ago and I didn’t dose enough to get the full effect. I had gains but they were minimal.

Lots of guys swear by both.

I’ve heard multiple views- EQ isn’t worth the cost. EQ is great for slow growing. Deca is better cuz the joint pain….

Maybe gotta find out for myself…

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In my opinion it’s not fair to compare these two. Deca is going to put in size quicker. Unless your diet is spot on you’re probably going to lean to the fluffier side/look.

EQ, is a slow burn. For me it increases my appetite in a huge way. It’s a lean and vascular gain. In my own opinion EQ and test is just hard to beat.

Be aware that for some, EQ will act as an AI. it has to do with a metabolite produced by some and not others (it’s genetic we think) so don’t jump your EQ up too high too fast.


Worth the cost? lol how much you trying to pay for EQ? It should be relatively cheap.

Don’t answer pricing on public forum haha


I believe the argument was more $ for $ mg to mg cost….



Remind me of your stats and history?


My point in asking is everyone is different. I don’t need much to grow. Ppl said I needed 600-700 of EQ to even start to feel it, and I got the full EQ experience off 350.

Everything about this game is individual. It may end up costing more, may end up costing less. Don’t let someone else’s experience dictate what works for you.


Again we have to start flagging you and your price issues,lol.


Id go with deca,but then again most my cycles last few years,have pretty much,deca,test,proviron,little bit of SD. I like deca.

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:joy::joy::joy: I caught that in my original post! Doesn’t count. I’m not in timeout. I refuse.


I dont have any issues with deca,nothin 100mg mesterlone wont fix.

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No idea of body fat but I can see my abs so there’s that….

I’ve been as heavy as 215-ish and I hated it. Couldn’t run to save my life. Any higher than 205 and my 5’7” feels like a fire hydrant.

I’ve trained for 25 years in a weight room or similar setting. Powerlifting for a bit, Olympic lifting for a bit, lots of general fitness required for the roles I did in the military. Track and XC in HS. Martial arts on and off since I was a kid.

I don’t train for an event or activity specifically anymore. I want to be mobile, strong, look good naked, have enough aerobic fitness to move in the mountains.

As far as supplements I was introduced in 06’ to Oregon Sus 270 in Iraq. Got on TRT 4 years ago. Deca, Test, Tren, Tbol, Anadrol have been the revolving additions to training over the years.


That’s precisely what I heard- don’t bother under 6-700. 800 being the mark. If that’s the case I understand the argument.

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Both are tried and true AAS. I have never used Deca only NPP.

I loved NPP and had great gains with it. EQ was the first steroid I used in addition to test.

EQ response is highly variable, more so than other AAS. I used 700 one time and it made me a psychotic mess of anxiety and low E2. I also was only using 500 of test. Now I would run them opposite.

But I also have loved EQ as low as 350.

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Ok I just used deca seemed pretty good to me. I’ve like eq on th e past but they do work well together as classic bulk comb. That pad I think I go eq personally but only cause I would use ment over deca if going 19 not route. Again the deca I just ran seem med great. I thought I was done with it but may revisit when I eq

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