For the stage steppers

Sorry I have not responded yet so to be continued working nights fucks me all up. And sleeping in late getting up to eat meal prep and go work out and then go back to work… Y’all know how it is. :muscle:


Did it for bout 20 years… I love night shift.


Still waiting for the picture @rnmuscle … And I understand what you @Neuro and @Kad1 are saying. Don’t get me wrong obviously I want to look good. And how I feel and performing well they’re feeling take care of how I look for sure. I do feel my performance is better when my food intake is protein and light fats as opposed to protein and carbs before my workout. Ever since I cut my carbs down and I not only feel better physically but mentally. But I still get my rice oatmeal and grits in. Maybe I’ll lean out more since I do better with less carbs. Maybe that’ll be a blessing in disguise.

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