know your a bodybuilder when

Warning…FUN…dont necessarily try at home. Also, look for a no-bullshit LOG. Im moving, had covid after all this time, my lady has had a big flare-up of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (auto -immune) nasty. We have a great Doc that doesnt just throw some meds at it. And im starting a new position. Last two years after PCL and Quad tear, I really thought 50 was it. Just lay on the couch. NO WAY! Im back and how do i know? I just thought to myself, " I should just leave my job three weeks early, because its getting in the way of my training at the gym i want to train at!" I knew i was a meat head when i thought that in my 20s. Heres another one…" I could use more or better ‘supps’ if i eat more tuna instead of beef" What have you thought, that told you this is more than a hobby! " I cant do a show until i add 20 pounds of muscle" OR for the 80s and 90s( and beyond) “Gay for pay is nott really mean your Gay…especially for 5 kits of Saizen!” I mean he just wants to smell my armpits." Cmon, ive read some shit on here even. The log should be fun too. Cutting Gluten, Sugar( yes 98% of the carbs) any sucralose or sugar alcohols, basically crucifers, some nightshades, diet soda, pop tarts all that shit!!! We will be back in civilization so Sprouts, A good Frys, or kroger, maybe a butcher. I hate veggies so ill be doing meat and meat, dairy has been gone for awhile. She gets no whey protein(pea protein) in the end Gluten and Sugar, Dairy will be out to see if her pain goes away. My diet will be close because i want to support her but i’ll fuck it up. Any sponsors wanna donate…im down! Just kidding. But, you know your a bodybuilder when your thinking of competing again at 52! Just get through the rambling fuckin post and post your thoughts!


Blahahaha Blahahaha

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You know your a bodybuilder when you cant leave space in a poke. Its gotta be 3cc.


They would love you… you’re a “Bear” Hairy like WOLVERINE!

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Just get thru the post,my brain is scrambled after that one,it was bad.
Ok so you know your a bodybuilder when your wife says you look good enough now,why start a cycle and you think,wow just think about how great I’ll look when I run this next cycle.


Another one for me is,you know your a bodybuilder and your in great shape,looking tight n ripped,and then I look in the mirror and call myself a little bitch.


Oh yea…great one. Im anout to pass out…i get crazy end of shift. No sentinel events , this is when i crave junk too…happy 4th since i might sleep the 2nd and 3rd.

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You know you’re a bodybuilder when you call yourself a pussy because your nose didn’t bleed when you did your last set of squats.


Obviously i am a crazy rambling old fart! I have to start this LOG . Im doing something different and imm getting some great muscle memory back. I wanna post blood work…I have received two compliments from men. One at gym asked if i was an "ARM WRESTLER ’ TO ME that says i have these small legs and 20inch arms , I guess my forearm looked big. The other was from a subway manager from INDIA. Knew bbing but was tiny. I thought hmmm India, thats when you know your a bber when my first thought was this guy can get some meds grom India!!! Never a lady would compliment me. All who did 5, became girlfriends, thats how it is!!! Cant wait to move. Some of this equipment is unreal at these gyms.

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Hmmmm that’s an overarching trend… guys will ask you outright “brah you look good do you lift”…women will silently judge…

My whole life one girl noticed me from winning the show and(old fart) it was first year they did DVD of show. We talked and she already had the DVD, I didnt. She invited me over “to watch the show and maybe give her some tips” You know your a meathead when you watch pre-judging…then i gave her the TIP!!!


Hahaha. I’m sure you did

Haha yep, I load the 1cc insulin syringe to 110 units so there isn’t a drop of air.

Despite people saying you look (good/bigger/fit ect.), buying a new wardrobe of clothes b/c your shirts don’t fit like the “use to”, setting PRs in the gym on the regular…you know your a meathead when you still look in the mirror and wonder if there really is any change. haha



I haven’t seen a Food Lion in a long time. I thought they was like Piggly Wiggly and didn’t exist anymore.

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They’re still here in eastern nc. Shut a handful down but most stayed.

We got the pig here too. Winn dixie went away here.

All we have here are pigs. Every single little town has a pig. Lol.

Down here they’re the place to go for awesome meat specials. That and a little IGA that’s close that has a real meat cutters.

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