General overview of myself

Hey everyone!

Im 34yo male height 6’1 wt: 210

Goal is to hit roughly 240 solid so I don’t look like some tall lanky bitch :laughing:.
Cycle plan
I’m not quite sure how I should run it for the most bulk. My arsenal includes 1 vial Tren Ace 100mg, 1 vial Tren E 200mg, 2 vial equipoise 250mg, 1 vial sustanon 500, 50 tabs of var at 25mg, and 2 vials of injectable Dbol 50mg

My schedule is practically wide open. Iv been off and on working out for the last 4 years. I managed to get to 230lbs at my peak a little puffy but not bad. But since i had gallbladder issues ive all but lost my appetite.

My diet sucks that’s where I’m hoping the equipoise and var come in to play.
I eat most anything, not really much i won’t eat, prison you either eat the slop or starve lol. So im adaptable so as long as i have an appetite.

I do mostly dumbbells and barbells, and cable machines, and each time i workout i actually get sore meaning ive made micro tears for growth, but my diet just wont let me grow.

I really need something to dramatically improve my appetite, and thats what im hoping for with the VAR and EQ as i mentioned before.

Anyway thats all i can think of rn, but please feel free tocomme t or give me advice, suggestions and what yall think would be my best cycle with the above listed gear on hand! Have a great day!


Have you ever been enhanced?

Are you using peds now…and not getting results you think you should?

How long you been out?


Cycle wise that’s a very incomplete cycle. Not a lot and not long term. Like poppy said we know to know if you’ve taken gear before so how to proceed.

Like for example I would put the tren, dbol and var away for later. Not enough to last a complete cycle.

Have you taken bloodwork yet to see where your natural levels are at? What’s your bodyfat like right now?


How often are you working out and how much?


@Poppy not sure what you mean Enhanced?
Or PEDS? Never heard those terms

But out of prison or out of the gym?

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Enhanced = using steroids

PEDS = performance enhancing drugs

How long have you been out of prison?


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Not trying to go long term just moderate dose and things to work synergistically together for a decent quick bulk. Nothing extravagant. I have already wasted lots of test and tren because i cant consume enough food.

And what would you say would make this cycle complete?

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Off and on since 17 lol. But been some years, and yes i used gear to get me from 150 to 230lbs, and as far as peds go, im not sure whats good options, plus i was looking into blood doping!!

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As @TG said above. Getting blood labs right now would be a wise decision. That will give you/us a very good idea on where to start.

You would be surprised on how much you don’t need to get where you want to be.

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What diet and dosages are doing? Whats your natural weight and what are you eating now to maintain current weight?

This is all needed to see what to increase and what dosages your body was used to. As well as bloodwork to see how you were responding.

We want to keep the minimal amount of gear needed to keep progressing.

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I’ve got personal opinions on certain things. I’ve made a wide path around tren and never used it. @TG would be a good guide on that stuff.

Do you know if you’re shut down.

Do you get boners? How bout libido?

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I agree because diet is my number one fail. And thats ultimately going to determine whether or not i gain. If i cant eat right i can take as much gear as i want and gain absolutely nothing.

I need a serious appetite stimulant.

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Do you have visible abs? Veins and muscle separation?

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If you’re a hard gainer then you need to dirty bulk to get the calories in. Eating clean foods you’ll need much more food to make up for the calories.

Example when I was younger I was eating 4 or 5 whoppers or 10-12 bean and cheese or carne asada with cheese tacos as a pre workout meal. but my eating thru the rest of the day was clean. Tuna, steak, whole eggs. milk with shakes. etc.

Later you switch your diet again when you need to lean out and find your maintenance clean calorie state.


Brother… I’m not being a jerk…I promise. We don’t do that here. BUT there’s a lot of questions above you haven’t answered.

There’s a bunch of really sharp guys here that can help… but you have to give us more to go on… be honest. You won’t be bullied or berated.


For appetite you can try mk 677. I think you’ll find yourself learning a lot sticking around here and not just bro science but some real useful tips and knowledge.


This isn’t enough of anything to really do something with. I think you need to pause and really dig in and learn how to use PEDs.

That’s bc food is the most anabolic tool in your arsenal. You don’t even need to think about gear until you can get your food right. And don’t use gear to get your food right. You can’t take equipoise forever, and if you haven’t figured out how to eat proper before EQ it will go away and you will lose it all.

Gear isn’t a shortcut. It’s a supplement to your hard work, and discipline.


“that is why I ordered equipoise, injectable, dbol, and anavar because I read the eq and var can help with appetite and by using injectable form of dbol it bypasses the liver and helps with appetite as well.”

Eq can help with appetite. Never heard of var helping with appetite. Inj dbol doesn’t bypass the liver and usually suppresses appetite. As I stated in my previous post. You have a lot of learning to do.


FOR ME I was never promised an appetite on gear. Sure there would be some days when I would eat one meal and 30 mins later be hungry again. I find that setting appointed times to eat works best if the lifestyle allows. FOR ME food became my medicine. Fuck it’s 930 I need to make my meds. Fuck it’s 230 need my meds. I get two breaks on top of lunch at work now am I necessarily hungry on those breaks, no, but I make sure I damn well eat. I do know that after I eat my first meal I will be looking for something 3 hours later. I like gear and all but for me I don’t count on it for an appetite.