Help finding bloodwork labs

I am trying to do bloodwork and need help…I have done bloodwork through Titan Medical and Labcorb but they cap off at 1500ng…I need a place or lead where they dont cap off on testosterone levels…i can get some good test 250mg and easily go above 1500 which i have done before but its when I am stacking gear ,i am sure way elavated but if they cap off i really cant see if the gear is legit…thanks in advance


Private med labs. I use Quest. Not sure how high they go. But I’ve had labs showing 4,000 to 6,000.

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Thanks! Inwill look into them both and see if I have any local


I have to drive a little over an hour to the Quest I use. I usually go earlier. I pretty much walk in, sign in, give blood, and out. Good luck bub


The closest quest to me is a bit over and hour.

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Majority of my ride is I-40. So it’s pretty convenient of a morning.