I’ve Been Dabbling With GAC

Glutamine 125mg/mL
Arginine 50mg/mL
Acetly L-Carnitine 200mg/mL

This is what I have. I’ve been pinning half that amount twice a week at no particular specific time. I’ve been loading up a full ml pin with half glutathione and half gac. I found out that I, personally, can’t inject a whole ml subq so I do half in two different spots.

So far it’s been ok. It’s been a couple of weeks and I seem to have loads of energy in the gym. I also don’t stay “sore” as long. My joints have been feeling extremely great as of late so I’m not sure about that. Maybe it’s helping the connective tissue.

I will probably up the dose in a bit to see where that takes me.


Interested in how you are feeling long term on this.
If you don’t mind what other “gear” are you taking ?

Cause im terrible At feeling sore for 5 days after working out or running. I am back on TRT dose of 125 mg per week.
But will be back to 300-400 test c and Tren 300 per week.


All I need to hear
Sign me up


Man you should look into ipamorilin or saramorilin those two amino acid chains make you heal really quickly and are cheap especially compared to gh


I love it man our local mad scientist

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As we get older our priorities change lol.


Test c 125 e3 or 4d. Every so often I will up this to get rid of a vial. Or just cuz. It won’t be by much and for long. I shoot for e3d but I’m slack (lazy azz) and will miss a day occasionally.

Prov 25mg a day. Probably double this after the first of the year or so.

Cialis 10mg a day

Every so often 10-50mg tbol pwo. This won’t happen again until after January.

Glutathione as stated above

Telmisartan 20 mg a day

Niacin 1g split twice a day

Omega 3… 2g split twice a day

Digestive enzymes (Revly brand) one or two capsules twice a day.

EmergenC once a day

Low dose aspirin…one or two a day when I remember.

An occasional 800 or meloxicam. Try and ise these only for absolute “gotta haves”.

Beetes meds

Jardience, glimerpride… daily. Ozempic…weekly


Ain’t that the ever loving truth!!!

All those old dudes I knew when I was a young man kept this stuff a secret!!! They didn’t tell me getting old sucks big monkey balls!

I’m letting the cat out of the bag. I’m telling everyone! Hahaha

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I’m not sure if it’s the gac or maybe I haven’t done anything stupid in a while. I’m way overdue.

Either way my knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists all feel pretty darn good.


I also drink a half gallon or so of diet cranberry juice a week. It keeps my renal functions healthy.


I w heard that and apple cidar vinegar

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In the summer time when the cucumbers are fresh…almost every supper is fresh cucs in a bowl of apple cider vinegar and salt.


Thanks poppy now I’m starving

Thanks for sharing that info.
I’m gonna get back to training with A coach and see what I can accomplish this coming year.

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Not a bad idea… I probably should have years ago but I’m slack. Now…there’s more stuff I can’t do then i can.