Intro - Sponsor Athlete - rdm

Hello UGMuscle!

I go by “rdm” and I am a sponsored athlete of PSL. Vision has told me how great this community is and I am very excited to be apart of it. I will be here daily to share my journey and experience using Euro Pharmacies products. If I can be of any service to our customers please don’t hesitate to reach out!


Welcome. Your the second guy In a matter of a week,to come on here and say things about PSL,let me guess it was a coincidence…? It looks weird.


I am a sponsored athlete of PSL brother. I am on all the forums they sponsor. We recently came back to this board after a break. What is weird about a new athlete introducing himself to a new community?

Hope you have a great day brother :+1:


It’s weird cause it happens 2x in less then a week for the same sponsor…and just cause your on other forums proves nothing to me. I’m not on other forums,so how would I know you


Welcome to the UGMuscle.

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What sport?

Thank you brother, happy to be here :facepunch:


We have a very extensive rep/athlete team. I would expect to see a few more as time goes on brother.

I don’t expect you to know me from other forums, that is the reason for my introduction. I am not trying to prove anything. I am just introducing myself to this community.

We at PSL are a customer first company. Over time the whole team will become engaged in this community as we are on all the forums we sponsor. We like to let our actions speak louder than our words :wink:


Thank you brother :+1:

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I am working towards entering my first bodybuilding show :blush:


Whewww y’all got way more discipline than I do.

Are you into power lifting? Strongman?

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Ok I understand where your coming from,and I’m sure like me you have seen a fair share of bullshitting,and people lying about things so I’m always suspicious of new people coming here. This is the only forum I been on,and it’s probably gonna stay that way,and I’m protective of this place…so with that being said I gave @Phill a rep tag,would you like a Sponsored Athlete tag?


No worries brother. I understand where you’re coming from and can assure you I’m not here to shove anything down anyone’s throat. I’m here to just share my personal experience with PSL/Euro Pharmacies products and assist customers with any issues or assist them with their goals.

I would gladly accept a sponsored athlete tag :facepunch:


Welcome to UGM

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Thank you brother :+1:

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Brother… I’m getting old. I’m just a razor’s edge from being completely useless. I thought bbing in my 20’s but the diet stuff was beyond me. Got into pling and competed on and off… not very good at it. Just a washed up senior citizen fighting the aging process now.


I’m sure you’re being harder on yourself than you need to be, we all are as men. All we can do is be thankful for waking up and try to be better than the day before :wink:

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I hear ya… agreed. One day at a time.

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