July 11th edition of diets and training

Good morning all. Work,maybe gym later,havent had much motivation lately to go to the gym.breakfast was sausage,egg,cheese n hot sauce wraps 2 of them,banana,coffee and water. Not sure about lunch.Dinner will be something on the grill,with a salad and basmati.Today i am grateful to be able to make my own hours,call outta work whenever i want,get high on the jobs lol anyfuckinways,hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.


Teleworking today till 10 then off until Monday morning.

Getting in gym in a bit. Probably AFTER a nap.

Cleaning lady is here now so I gotta wait till she leaves so I can get afew z’s


Same food again today. No training tonight. Just another day of swamp ass up here lol


Same here brother! I’ve been soaked twice today. Supposed to rain…hope so. Trash can is at curb already and I have absolutely no reason to go out anymore today.

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Shit food and legs maybe a beer when I get cooler from friends hopefully not too many I want ti show up to festival refreshed shit good turned unto wings then a steak later need to get some carbs to laid up for weekend. I have a feeling I’ll be looking dam good Mm day after losing some fat and then getting carbs back in me

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