July 15 edition of diets and bodybuilding

Good morning all. Gym later,no work,i got two appointments today.Breakfast was 6 HB eggs no yolk,4 turkey sausage,peach chobani,200mg edible,coffee and water.Lunch will be two turkey and swiss,lett,tomato,red onion,lite mayo,apple turnover cranberry juice.Not sure about dinner,most likely something on the grill,with basmati and a salad.I had a good stress free weekend,and for that i am grateful.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.


Samo samo so far. Trying to get in gym this evening.

Still not feeling great.


All the carbs and some protein with train my eyes being closed. Sleep was little some due to partying some due to the tent getting unbearable hot


Each day that goes by I’m wrecking shit more and more…in a good way… Grits and eggs… Chicken and rice… Protein…shake…it’s all I need baby…


I bet it was hot as hell.

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I mean I’m sure you’ve been in hotter but the drugs I’m sure weren’t helping at all I soaked through my pillows each night and the air mattress just kind of puddled up. Friend brought wow zero gravity chairs that were nice to sit in the shade but I think I got 4 hours of sleep the 2 nights I was there usually about 8-10am