July 8th edition of diets and training

Good morning all.No work,daughter slept over last night,so she went to gym with me this morning and tire flipped.Our breakfast was,turkey sausage, pancakes,strawberries,water/lemonade/coffee to drink. Were getting pizza for lunch,then were gonna take a hike thru the river to scope out a section i can hunt its state ground,not accessible with a vehicle,its hot the water will feel nice.
Im not sure about dinner,whatever my daughter wants.Today i am extremely grateful for the time ive spent with my daughter yesterday and today.I cant get rid of the guilt i feel cause im not in her life as much as i use to be.Anyfuckinways,hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.


Work today.
Breakfast was a bagel with cream cheese.

Lunch will be rice and steak.

Back on my cut plan to get lean.
Test 400 - Tren 200. Per week.


Yay for tren


Samo samo for me

Probably gym after work


Undecided on training but meals have been eggs and potatoes. Yogurt, almonds and some egg whites. Ground sirloin with sweet potatoes. Grilled chicken on sourdough. Protein shake and a banana


I just had 8 egg whites,hard boiled,dipped in a little salt and cayenne pepper.


Ten weeks then I’m back on the tren 2 weeks till I start 575 ment that will be interesting if I feel the extr is worth it or drop back to 350. The tren I’m trying to decide the dosage as I just found a product that will give me 150 of ace in ml and 150 of mast prop so that gives options to do higher numbers with same volume of injection