My introduction and goals

Hello to everyone, my name is Tyler. I’m a 27 year old grad student who has been lifting since High School. Although I have always maintained some sort of presence in the gym, over the last three years I began to cycle. After running anadrol 50 and test, I saw my strength gains explode like never before. I tried cycling off with clomid but I felt like shit still. My second cycle I ran test, anadrol and tren e, which produced great results. Instead of cycling off, I decided to try cruising on test instead; which helped a great deal with keeping the gains and avoiding hormone crashes. I just recently finished my third cylce, which included test, anadrol, and tren a, although it wasn’t as productive as I would have hoped for due to the gyms closing because of covid. I mainly focus on improving my squat, deadlift, and bench, as I’d like to compete in the future. Thanks for reading my intro guys, look forward to some good conversations on here! (205 lb BW, 330 Bench max, 370 Squat max, 500 DL max)



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Welcome. Please let us know how we can help.

I have been running a 3x6 @ 75% 1RM then 3x3 @ 85% 1RM for Squat and Bench. I hit each lift twice a week (on different days) with these six sets. As long as I complete each rep of each set, I increase my “theoretical” 1RM by 5lbs, and use that number for the next week. I have been using this system for a long time and seen good results up until I go over 315 on Squat. Any other “program” recommendations? I tried a 5x5 routine, but that didn’t work out so well. Thanks in advance!

Respectfully, Tyler


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Welcome aboard brotha, if ya have any questions just hit me up :v:

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@TTSwell i had a moment to review your file. Do you plan on coming off and doing a post cycle therapy.

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@Optumpharma I do not plan on coming completely off; I’d rather cruise for 12-16 weeks and then jump back on a cycle. I tried to PCT after my first cycle and my test levels did not normal out, even after treatment with an endocrinologist who put me on clomid (which was outrageously expensive). Although I didn’t have my test levels measured before my first cycle, I feel that I was probably already deficient. Even while cruising on test cyp (about 200 mg a week) I felt better than I did during my early twenties. After grad school I’ll get a real job and health insurance and think about coming off long enough to start a family, but then I plan on jumping right back on.

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@TTSwell ok i would highly suggest hcg throughout your process to help keep natural production. Just so a major shut down does not occur.

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@Optumpharma That is a good recommendation. I haven’t really looked into hcg too much but after some quick readings I think it would be good to stack that. Do you recommend any certain dosage? Should I run it while cruising, or during my cycle or both? I also am curious about how I may be able to order your products. Thanks for the much needed help!

Respectfully, Tyler


Welcome aboard!

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@TTSwell for the long run I would stay on. This is due to the major testicular atrophy that is occuring and i really want to see a simple transition for you in the future with not only health but starting a family.

Please just email us. Be more than happy to help. Thank you.

[email protected]


@TTSwell you can’t go wrong with op brother. Extreme knowledge and helps our community a lot.


@BigSwole69 maybe a stupid question, but what is “op”? Still new to some of the lingo

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@TTSwell no worries haha that’s optum the sponsor. He also goes by…doc, daddy, the one, the knowledge and the book of secrets. Haha


@BigSwole69 haha ahhhh I gotcha now. Seems like this is a great page for resources, information, knowledge, and camaraderie! Glad I found y’all! Thanks for being so welcoming too.

Respectfully, Tyler


Welcome aboard


Welcome bro, wealth of knowledge here. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions. The magnifying glass up top works well too. You can find pretty much anything with it if not start a post with the topic your interested in.



Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around

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