Somalong review

Somalong review:
feels long acting but not 5 days(atleast for me), takes 12 hrs to feel. Hit hard with hgh tiredness for 24-36hrs, after initial 12 hrs. Extremely numb hands. This is on about 1.5ml or 1ml per week. More towards 1.5cc. Definitely like a test enthate needs to build up. Atleast for me maybe i process it fast everyone is different. No labs on igf-1 or hgh sadly.

Horrible side effects when combined with just 10mg mk677, went up to 50mg for 2 day test. Went from 260lb to 277lb. Horribly bloated used 25mg HCTZ to pull off water. BP up 15 points.

When not using mk677 peels off fat easily, and added in 850mg metformin before bed everyday after mk677 experiment. Helped blood sugar levels.
I like it best at .5cc E3D, 1ml every 5 days felt like swinging hard on hgh sides, lot less at this dosing. 86% of recommended dose for by 116kg bodyweight.

No labs. Would like to try something like a ipam/mod grf combo with somalong. As it should force on natural hgh which has more diverse effects, and synergistic combo with exogenous hgh. I like somalong and would recommend it, I want to get igf-1 tested on this sometime but am kinda poor right now with school.

I ran somalong with last 6.5 weeks test/deca/eq cycle and then now on cruise. Experimenting with lowering dose on cruise.