Testosterone PhenylPropionate - 100mg/Testosterone Isocaproate - 100mg LAB TEST @ PSL

Testosterone PhenylPropionate - 100mg/Testosterone Isocaproate - 100mg LAB TEST @ PSL


You can never go wrong with Test :wink:

Tpp is my personal favorite test on the planet

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Underutilized for sure :+1:

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Mine would be tne or suspension


I love some good TNE pre-workout or even before taking the old lady to pound town :wink: :joy:

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Your a lot leaner than me so those estrogen sides probably don’t suck for you like they would super suck for me

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Tne is so fast estrogen isn’t really a thing and I only use it pwo.

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TNE just about hits me instantly. By the time I pin it and head to the gym. I’m zooming in the 30 minutes it takes me to get there


Takes about 2 hours for me sometimes faster but usually 2 hours is right time

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I can’t be in the same room with a bottle of test without the old nip tingle

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So this looks interesting


You’re looking at my special mixture…
This was years in the making…
Vision pushed hard for the TRT blend… It’s amazing stuff!

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I love that an Ai doesn’t have to be used, and, isn’t in the mix. The Masteron should keep everything in the “ no nipple tingling” zone.
Any PIP?


I personally only use a AI went on super wet compounds and I’m trying to stay dryer, but when my test is high I let the estro get high, because they both work in tandem and when one level goes up naturally so should others.
I personally feel best when my estro is sitting around 61ish…
With the TRT blend, very few individuals have reported having slight irritation, but keep in mind this is a blend and it is higher dosage, so I will not sit here and be biased and act like the potential isn’t there.
For myself using high blends or high dosed gear that’s mixed to a small concentration will always have a little bit of a bite. However this TRT blend is pretty comfortable for me.
There’s not a single person that I have seen report that it had terrible pip…
For ratio aspect it seemed to be 8 out of 10 users said it was perfect, 2 out of the 10 said it had a little bit of a bite but totally doable.


EXACTLY… AI only when needed… the mast covers all of that… as we all know mast is NOT an AI, but how it can off set estro and makes free test higher with a lower SHBG we don’t have to worry about an AI…

for the love of God, when will the PED world officially dub it an anti estro like drug “FOR SOME USERS”.
or at least dub it “the estro forward” like in basketball or any other spot…