The start of something bigger?

I’m going to give that one a read. Thanks.


Dan Barker’s “Godless” is tough to get through, but in the second half he does a pretty great job at detailing Roman and Jewish historians from the time frame and geographical location of Jesus and breaks down how little corroborating evidence there is from them. Not worth reading the whole book but that section is a good one.


Found both downloads easy enough. Will check them out for sure. I heard of the second one before.


FUCK all of this shit!!!

This shit is so fucking ridiculous and you have to be an absolute complete fucking MORON to say Israel and Jews are the innocent ones in anything. We all have our beliefs and our opinions and I am not anti any damn religion or people no matter how many deployments I did and still have no hate or ill will toward any nationality etc.

Too many fucking psychopaths in the world that are allowed to play puppeteer and push agendas with nothing ever being done about it.

Damn it, I need a damn shot of Tren!!


do it jewish GIF




Preaching I can get behind right here.


Shit is so ridiculous and out of control! Everyone needs to stay out of the shit, especially the US and just let them work out their own damn issues.

I’m not anti anyone, but I’m so fucking tired of Israel. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I can’t tell who I’m more tired of at this point, Israel or our elected officials still supporting them.


I’ve never heard this before, and can’t find any info online (haven’t worked terribly hard yet) any elaboration?

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I think I got the date wrong. But was between ww1 and ww2 a series of events where the jews decided to destroy the German economy. They removed their money from within the German institutions that were not Jewish owned, refused loans to anyone not jewish and called for a worldwide boycott of all German goods.

It was reported as Jews declare war against Germany in the US and UK papers and later they denied it as trying to hurt Germans.

I’ll go thru a more detailed post of this and Hitlers rise. There’s a lot of small details and events that added up many people are unaware of.

Now with AI people are uploading his speeches to get real translations of what he was saying and much is contradicting what was told by history. Well the winners of the wars write history so no surprise much is left out.

If you have 7 hours to waste watch the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told and sit by a computer and start checking the events and facts they display in there. Really an eye opener. WW2 is the only war we’re not allowed to question. I started digging into more when I was in Ukraine and my friends were telling me things about history I never heard before. Then it conflicted with what my wife said she was taught growing up here and the “official” story. Every country has their own push for propaganda and leaves out important details to make themselves appear better.


I will definitely watch that. Thank you for the info!

I’m hoping when the aliens finally come for real they will have been keeping actual objective records of what has transpired throughout history :joy:

Any idea where I can find that movie?


If you know how to torrent I can post the magnet link here. I downloaded a copy that way.

Download bittorrent or utorrent.

Then heres the link for 1080p. 8.8GB Magnet Link for 1080p

Heres the 720p version its 3.7 GB. magnet link for 720P

Page on 1337x


Heres a copy I found on Rumble to watch online


Thank you!

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oh boy. :nauseated_face:

Anything that goes against what they want you think is going to be labeled propaganda. Its a documentary that lists the dates, footage and events that others don’t talk about or ignore. That’s why you can sit there and search them online as you see them. Then you find out many of the things they talk about are true. Make your mind up for yourself who to believe.

My wife’s grandmother lived 45 minutes from Auschwitz. She told me she doesn’t remember anything bad about any of them really. They didn’t have much food and soldiers brought them food. Even the Russians were nice to them.

When I was visiting the camp one of the official historians there told us much of what was in the tour guides is incorrect. He went thru and showed us things that wasn’t in the guide. Some other questionable things he didn’t want to discuss. But I’ve been about 7 times to the camp. Will go again in summer to take someone else to see it.

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It doesn’t surprise me that any of history we read from any side of the coin contradicts each other, is false all together, or skews to the respective side that wrote it to sway your view of things.


Thats exactly what I found from studying it. They never focus on Typhus, they say about the starvation but don’t say how they cut the supply lines that caused it. Parts of the camp were destroyed on purpose well after the point needed.

The polish don’t even teach what they did that caused the surrounding countries to side with Germany against them. They even made a propaganda film about them being peaceful in Lviv before the Ukrainians came in killing them all. No mention they came in and killed the Ukrainians and destroyed their churches first. They did the same to czechoslovakia. Their MO was go in and conquer a city. Kill everyone and move their own people in and say it was theirs now since they had more people living there.

No one brings up in the beginning even British and other countries sided with Germanys stances. It was a world War not all countries against Germany. Sides changed and stories changed as the optics did.


While on WW2 talk. Remember that they used to claim Nazis made soap from the Jews. In the numberg trials they tried to charge people with that that claimed they were innocent. To this day Auschwitz claims it’s true. There’s a section for it in the Mueseum.

But it’s been debunked for decades and they know that. Many Jewish Historians even agree it was not true and one of many myths.

The problem is this shows even the Mueseum doesn’t want the truth. They want a story. They don’t care about the accuracy of what really occurred.

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