The start of something bigger?

Iran bombs Israel what’s next?

Well guys may as well start doing all the tren the end I near


I believe I got 8 vials on stand by…for emergencies such as these…


I will say I find it odd timing by Iran. I mean why attack Israel when they were actually starting to look like the bad guy in the Middle East

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They waited 10 days from the time Israel intentionally attacked their embassy. UN refused to act against them.

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I missed that in all the shit Israel has been doing lately so yeah makes sense.


Tbh I don’t remember a time in history when they’ve been the good guys lol. We get fed a lot of propaganda in the US about them because they buy off all the politicians thru Aipac. When you own a government with bribes and blackmail they’ll say whatever you want them too.


None of this is good.

These events are very close to “past the point” of de-escalation.

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Once the US told them they would hold a G7 cocksuckers meeting to make a unified response to support Israel, they got brave and said they are meeting to plan their attacks back today.

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Two zealous countries with a state sponsored religion or a religion with a sponsored state/government that have hated each other for thousands of years…

Now both have support/backing/$$$ from global superpowers…

This is terrible. I will be extremely surprised if a nuclear weapon of some sort is not sent down range.

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This. In today’s age of information readily available it’s never been more apparent that they have never been the good guys. But damnit if their AIPAC money wasn’t well spent bc getting my parents to see anything other than Israel must be protected is fucking painful.


In reality… the jews don’t like us either. They just want our money and hardware.

The Kuwaitis hated us… we literally mobilized trillions of dollars worth of our troops and hardware just to liberate them from iraq… they hated us just as much afterwards. “Someone” got a big payday for that favor.


I don’t get it either.

They are a sovereign nation/religion that has an ongoing millennial feud with other nations/religions… that really doesn’t involve us one way or another.

As @TG stated though… the jews are burrowed deep into our government… quite possibly the deepest out of all other nations, even the UK.

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My problem with Israel is the constant lies thru history. Just a couple.

  • 1913 - Jews declared financial war against Germany trying to bankrupt the economy. They were successful leading up to the rise of Hitlers party.

  • 1939 - Jews in newly given land from British to Israel, they attacked themselves and blamed in on the Arabs. This was witnessed and wrote about first hand by JFK. Documents in the JFK archives.

  • 1946 - Jews attacked the King David hotel in Jerusalem killing British citizens and Arabs

  • 1948 - Folke Bernadotte Assassination. Swedish diplomat that negotiated the release of 32,000 jews from Germany in WW2. He was assigned to the UN to see about the Israel - Palestine war. He witnessed crimes from Israel committed against Palestinians and recommended the UN demand a cease fire. Israel assassinated him and protected the people involved. in 1995 they said they would name a forest in his honor to make it all better.

  • 1954 Lavon Affair. Israel attacks British and US connected businesses in Egypt in an attempt to frame the Muslim Brotherhood. Called Operation Susannah for anyone intereseted.

  • 1963 JFK Assassination. CIA monitor was a Jewish spy. JFK was pushing for AIPAC to be registered as foreign agent. While AIPACS lawyers were postponing the court date, JFK was assassinated and case against aipac to register immediately dropped after.

  • 1967 Isreal attacks the USS Liberty Navy ship killing 34 Americans and wounding 171 others. They attacked it with fighter jets and gunboats.

  • 1973 - Lillehammer affair. Murder of a moroccan waiter in front of his pregnant wife by Mossad agents in Norway. They claimed it was a mistake and Israel protected the ones that were not caught and prosecuted.

  • 1976 Israel steals Nuclear supplies from US. The Apollo Affair.

  • 1985 Pollard incident. Pollard selling nuclear information to Israel. In 1987 Israel admitted to getting some information from it. in 1998 they admitted to paying for the intel.

  • 1998 - Wired reports Israels working on a biological weapon to target Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected.

  • 1990s - Israel blackmails President Clinton with tapes from Monica Lewensky

  • 911 - Dancing Israels that were filming the attack on the world trade centers.

  • 2013-2017 Jeffery Epstein. Former Israel PM had regular meetings with him in New York. Approximately 30+ times. These meetings were held in private business meetings with Epstein. Personally I think they recovered more information and tapes to blackmail US politicians and thats why the client list will never be shown.

  • Ghislaine Maxwell father Robert Maxwell was an Mossad agent. He ran a publication and once turned in a Israeli whistleblower on Israel nucear program to Mossad. They kidnapped Mordechai Vanunu in italy in 1985.

Theres way more Im just tired of writing a fucking paper now lol.

Keep in mind all the recent years in past several Israel was consistently attacking Palestine. This did not start on Oct 7 for no reason. Recent incidents BBC and CNBC has caught Israel faking footage of the attacks on Gaza hospitals. No hamas were there.

I dont see how anyone can call Israel our closest ally. The pay our politcians off to take billions from us, attack us, lie and frame us against muslims. Some rabbis teach that the US will fight their wars against the arabs so we die, not jews. Yet they have a “tradition” they claim is just fun that they spit on christians. Its a huge money laundering scheme.


Thisssss. Anytime I ask why we need to support them it’s just because we need to!

I do know it’s all a mess. And I’m very glad I don’t have to be the one to sort through all of it and my opinion is worth very little on the matter.


Christians are falsely led to believe they are the chosen people of God. It says so in Deuteronomy. Which is put into the christian bible under false pretenses saying it was the 5th book of Moses. It wasnt. It was written much later by anonymous Jews that also wrote the torah. Both Christian and Hebrew scholars agree on that. Basically inserted into the bible to glorify the jews to Christians.


All this is so frustrating.

Corrupt ukrain is the “good guy” battling the “bad guys”…in reality it’s bad guy against bad guy.

Jew vs islam… that’s like getting in a family donnybrook… outsiders aren’t welcome unless they’re providing support for one side or another. More often than not the outsiders will become victims of both sides.

@TG you are very correct. I’ve gotten into “discussions” about this before. I still maintain that the jews… “our allies” have spied on us the most and gotten away with it or at the very least we turned a blind eye.


Christians are actually closer in beliefs to Muslims. And Jews know this. Thats why they always tried to push them against each other. And ran campaigns to show them as enemies and Jews as friends. Many Orthodox jews are taking a stand on this now and saying Israel and AIPAC do not represent them and Israel is not their home.

Jews do not believe in Jesus at all. Thats why they had him in killed and they push it that the romans killed him. In fact they gave him to the romans and romans stated they had a choice to allow him to live and jews refused. Then they say Romans killed Jesus not them.

You should read up on the Third temple and what they are trying to do in Palestine right now. The temple would sit upon a muslim holy land and they are pushing it. Because of the significance to bringing the antichrist with the slaughter of red heifers there.

Oh and after this they believe you all will die or become their slaves lol.

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This was my moms argument about her support of Israel, and when I brought to her attention that she’s supporting a country that wasn’t a country until 1939 and her Bible wasn’t talking about the sovereign state government she was absolutely dumbfounded that none of her pastors every brought this point up. It’s always we just have to support Israel.

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There’s so little actual evidence there was a Jesus messiah figure. “Mything in action” by David Fitzgerald is a multi book series absolutely ripping the mythical figure to shreds.

Hell the damn gospels can’t even get the year of his birth to be the same year and they are the “authority” on the matter.