Tricep rupture/surgery, will hgh help?

Hello, old member here! I’ve been ghost for a quite a while and wanted to give an update. Although it’s not the best thing to have happened to me, I still want to push forward. I had tricep rupture happen to me about a year and a half ago. One day, I was getting out of bed and overextended my arm while I used it to push all my body weight out of bed. Suddenly, I felt a pop followed by a sharp/burning pain. I didn’t take it serious as I should have. (Dumb of me, I know)
I continued to work out and let time go by, hoping it would recover like my past injuries. Unfortunately, it never did! My tricep kept aching and stinging from time to time. 2 weeks ago, I finally got my tricep fixed. Moral of the story, don’t prolong your injuries and get checked.

What are your thoughts on hgh meanwhile the recovery stage? What’s your go to in this forum? Many sponsors have changed.


HGH is definitely a good choice. I would look into BPC-157 and TB500 as well :+1:


Second tb500 and BPc157. No one here will give you specific sponsor recommendations. They are all vetted and have lots of reviews from members here.


Bout like my bicep. Never got it repaired.

I second the bpc and tb. It’s worked wonders for my old man aches and pains.


Thank you! Will be looking into it!


How long ago was it? And how is your bicep feeling now?

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Oh shoot… i was in my late 50’s. It was right after hurricane Florence. I was building an addition on our house and fell through the rafters. Last action hero grabbed a 2x 10 rafter on the way through with my right hand. Just long enough to here an audible pow and felt it pop big time. It swung my body up so I basically fell 8 feet flat on my back.

Insurance balked at repairing it due to my age but the great ortho said he would code to get covered. The 12 week recovery time scared me off so I opted out. Went back to swinging a framing hammer the next day.

Bicep is rolled up to my shoulder to this day.

Sorry to hear that brother but glad you were able to recover. Trust me, the 12 weeks in this brace sucks big time! Only reason I got it fixed is because it the pain kept nagging me!

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I had very little pain. A little achy. It doesn’t bother me now. Lost a bit of strength… rotational. Think turning a door knob or opening a jar of pickles. I don’t do many curls on my right. Some light ones. I’ve gotten most strength back. Just one more scar/ mogged up body part to add to the collection.

I’m assuming you’re young. Probably a good idea to get it fixed. You gotta a lot of living to do.

I’m just about to be 30! Yeah, my doctor told me I could live with the injury if I wanted to but I don’t want any problems down the line with my arm. I’ll be starting physical therapy pretty soon.

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Yep great call. Too young to be “crippled”. You’ll have time for that later. Haha

Thanks old timer haha! Definitely don’t want to be disabled years from now lol I’ll be posting updates for anyone interested!


Please do. You will get support here.

Give the tb and bpc a shot. In the first several days, it healed up a bunch of my nagging little aches and pains along with some inflammation.

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6 weeks post opp!
I’m in the halfway mark until I’m able to start working out my tricep
Brace is still on but flexion has increased with physical therapy. I’m able to flex it to 90 degrees.
I was told to get off my trt for my surgery. Doctors orders. I’m finally back on 200mgs weekly and also added

Bpc 157 500 mcgs
Tb500 500 mcgs
Hgh 5 ius, Don’t like inj in the morning so I take it before I sleep.

I’ve being doing for the past 2 weeks. 5 days on 2 days off

Overall I’m feeling great since I’m back on TRT, my test came back at 97 ng/dl


Interesting. My knee surgery several years ago my doc said stay on it… who knows.

Yea. I wanted to stay on!

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Oh well you’ll get back up to speed sooner than later.

Actually I’m looking at some minor surgery soon and of all the things I listed that I’m taking… it was nicotine that raised the flag. The pa said the surgeon might not operate if I’m not off.