Trump's Running Mate?

Who will it be?

My bet is Tulsi Gabbard or Tim Scott.


Gabbard didn’t make the last list they leaked. I hope ben Carson or Byron Donald’s by the last choices but I think it will be Stefanik, Rubio, or Scott. All three are primary Israel first and that seems to be trumps running plan this term lol. To put it in perspective in 2015 he said he didn’t want Israel money and America First. Now he’s Israel first by last speeches. Stefanik recently went to Israel to tell them she will be Israel first as well and kiss the wall. Rubio did it awhile ago.


I like Scott or rubio

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I’m so tired of these paid aipac pro Israel dickheads in office. Shit is so far past old. Israel can go eat a bag of dicks. (This has nothing to do with Jewishness. And 100% to do with the shitbag political nation)


If there is a good government out there I guarantee they have zero power


Touché good sir. Touché.


@TG you weren’t kidding. These folks are bought and paid for by Israel.


By May 5th they had paid Stefanik

Then she took a trip to Israel around May 20 and pushed them more in Congress.

Returned and they paid her more to get her recent to 733k.

Tucker Carlson interviewed Tomas Massie and he speaks about AIPAC a bit here how they all have to make the trip at some point if getting the money from them.


Tim Scott

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Fucking hell. That’s so much money.


To be honest I probably won’t vote this election. Trump is already kissing major ass saying he wants all students that protest Israel to be ineligible for govt aide and any that are not US citizens deported. So fuck that. He thought it was OK to burn down cities with BLM but when Israel is involved he wants to suck Netanyahus dick in front of the world. I get that the economy and everything was better under Trump but he’s not earning the vote anymore. In fact 85% of the US doesn’t give a fuck about Israel.

Theyre knowingly using bots to run fake campaigns and fake support for them online and no one does shit. So to me Trump can fuck off this term.

Nick said it best here. This is the Trump we voted for. Not what we’re getting now.



What the fuck did I just read and watch. Jesus Christ.

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Just…. Wut?

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Never forget when Trump said Israel rightfully should control Congress.

And no more free speech I guess when it’s against Israel.

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That ain’t no chump change

It’s not new. He’s said he’s supported the bills for it that are being pushed by texas and Florida lawmakers.

This was also a speculated point for Adelsons donation of 100m to Trump.

If Adelson name rings a bell it’s because the Pollard the convicted spy who Netanyahu used the blackmail tapes from Bill Clinton to get released, flew Pollard to Israel immediately after his release to a heros welcome in Israel with Netanyahu.

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I remember when pollard got busted.

I remember thinking… wow… our allies are spying on us too… an ally that we send a lot of cash and prizes to.


He was sentenced to life in Prison. Should have never been released. Obama allowed the release but denied him traveling. Trump approved his traveling after a 90m donation from Adelson in 2020.