What do you guys think of 50mg Tren E 3x/week

I dont have an off period. I stay on cycle throughout the year just cycle compounds in and out of my base. Trying to stay off compounds that make me look puffy, came off Deca about 2 months ago and added the Mast in but thinking of adding in Tren E now. Did Tren years ago but want to ease my way in.

500mg Test C and 400mg Mast E

Was thinking of adding in Tren E 50mg 3x a week or Tren E 100mg 2x a week.

Whats a good low dose that will produce some results? Figured I could work my way up to 300mg a week if I tolerate it well after like 4 weeks and go for a 12-16 week cycle of the tren then drop it and go on Test straight for a bit to give my body a break.

Whatcha guys think? Just looking for some opinions from guys that have seen good results on Tren E at a lower dose

Much appreciated

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I’d start by saying take an off period. But you already seem to have a system going. I’d follow that up with, take an off period.

Tren is tough. It brings amazing results. But it’s harsh. But 150 mg a week will bring results. I’d wait until 6 weeks to up your dose, remember it will take longer to clear if you can’t handle the dose. Being too high on tren dosing is a truly miserable experience.


How old are you? How long have you been running compounds year round? What are your goals?


38 lifting since I was 15. I have 2 kids so not worry about that anymore and get my bloods done regularly to check to make sure all is well. Also donate every 8 weeks.

I am 5 11 240lb @14% bf

4 years on mainly Test and Deca to help with joints. Have cycled in Mast and Anavar over this timeframe, currently on MastE. So I’m ready to change it up a bit.


That’s tough on the heart. 4 years on. May want to get an echo done and a renal ultrasound to have a baseline if you’re going to stay on all the time.


Thank you, I will definitely look into it.


I’m a firm believer in a baseline image. Usually we only do those things when somethings wrong and almost often a comparison tells us more than the simple image. Good luck. Be safe.


Haha d wait till
Cooler weather for it speaking of person experience right now. I was going to do 12 week run of tren but looking at cutting it to 4 weeks saving rest for late winter early spring next year and just switch to different compound. I’m literally swimming at at gym everyday and I’m not a heavy sweater usually. I’m on about 200 tren ace a week. Happy I chose to try the ace first before using blend that is tren e. Cause I would rather this clear quicker and move in to next one. Results are great though I will say that. I’m looking bigger while leaning at same time. So def lol forward to cooler months run


What do we think,ok I think its not a good idea to stay on cycle year round, why do you do that? and if someone recommended that, their dumb.


To be honest, I just like being on cycle. I get it not smart and I gotta look to take a nice off period probably after the summer but I do monitor my bloods closely and looking for a doc that i can discuss my gear use with and is willing to help me monitor my health markers

Side note: Tren train has begun 100mg tren e in with no issues.

Think im gonna lower my test dose down a bit to 300mg/week with tren e 200mg/ week and 400mg /wk of mast e

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A doctor is definitely a good thing to have that you can be honest with about your health and lifestyle so that they can know how to treat you if something happens


I get the being on feeling but it feels even better when you come diff for some time.

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Renal ultrasound even if eGFR is in range? @NeuroRN

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If eGFR is in range I’d give myself some grace, but you can still see nephron enlargement pre decreased eGFR. If you’re on gear you’re round, (cough cough, you) I would go for the renal ultrasound and an echo cardio gram sooner rather than later. Subtle changes in either area will show up on those before labs. And those are the two main things your pursuing by not coming off for periods of time… heart failure and kidney failure.

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Two bog nastys

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Side effects of steroids being non selective. Which is part of the reason we all come off of them for a time.


I value your thoughts and opinions guys. Thank you for taking the time to reply and give me some stuff to talk to a doc about