When can I switch from Deca to Tren

I am currently taking Test/Deca/Dbol. I am ready to make the switch to Tren E 100mg 3x a week. I know Deca and Tren shouldnt be cycled together but can I drop the Deca and add Tren, Deca will still be in me due to half-life and Tren starting to build up so thinking its not a big deal but wanted to check? I can drop the Deca for a week or 2 then add Tren also if thats the better approach?

Much appreciated


Someone will ring in I’m sure. I’ve never touched tren sooo I’m of no use…again


When ever you want I was going to do deca a cycle straight to tren to lean out but my labs came back anemic so I didn’t. Looking back a break between the two was probably right call unless yoh are going to step on stage then still the off season bill to the point of prep where tren is added is probably a good amount of time


Stop the deca,start the Tren,simple.However if you been cycling awhile then a break might be good…


Don’t know how long you been on deca for but I would get blood work done first. Lipids hormones and a cmp to check blood and liver and kidneys. If it comes back good go for it. Tren will mess up your lipids and bp bad. I’d also start glutathione and telemestartin right away if you haven’t already


:face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears: I’m like a proud dad right now.


How long have you been taking dbol? How long have you been on deca? Deca half life is very long. 2-3 weeks isn’t going to give it enough time to clear.

Are you trying to compete in something? Sounds like a lot of undue stress on the body.


You taught me well father.

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  • Injectable Glutathione Reduced (for superior Bio availability)

Wouldn’t use anything else

By time I switch it will be 8 weeks. I’ve put on almost 40lbs so think its time to lose the puff and can continue the strength gains which have been great so far with the Tren

thinking 250 test and 300 tren e a week. concensus seems to be lower test helps keep sides down

I would just do a
12 week run of deca ok I would do 16 weeks but you should just do the one cycle man unless like I said you are goig to step on stage. 40 pounds is a lot you may have been in too much a surplus


40 lbs in how long? I think you need to take a break. Personally I see no benefit going from deca, gaining 40 lbs, straight into tren. You’re not thinking about the next20 years. You’re thinking about the next 20 weeks.

Get lab work asap.


40 lbs is literally unreal. Deca and dbol would be a lot of water weight.

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right which is why i want to come off the deca/dbol and switch to tren now that my strength is back. im def going to get my labs done first and see how everything looks first but if everything is in order. Is there anything i really need to be concerned about if i went to tren? Also want to get another Dexa to see where im at muscle/water to fat gain during these last 8 weeks.


I would just lower my cal intake and stick to the deca do you have before and current photos deca is just such a long ester I would try and switch to another half way through cycle.

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Deca and dbol or d&d as we used to call it in the 80’s was very popular….bunch of us ised to walk around all fleshy and bloated with fluid…I haven’t touched neither in a very long time.

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My original intention was that I wanted to get bloated so I can get the strength back to where it was before my 7 month layoff, mission accomplished. But now that its getting nicer out and mens softball is starting, I cant be carrying around all this water weight which is why I want to switch to Tren and not looking to stay on the dbol and deca for too long a period


Change the diet and
The bloat will leave trust me I was statrtig. To lean out in deca when my body caught up to the cal intake also you might just be better switching esters to npp

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40 pounds is the most I’ve ever heard in eight weeks. That’s alot

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