You Speak, We Listen! Thank you for the Feedback


Can you provide status on previous promo before you start promoting your site. I don’t want to get into specifics but at this point it’s not cool, especially to the community. Some of us have days or weeks w/o any time of notice of status & I’ve been plenty patient.



Well @esquellabs whats the deal…


Shouldn’t take weeks…



Help the brother out.


@HonduDiesel18 apologizes mate for the inconvenience and the delay.

Due to the heavy orders during the mega sale, we are stocking up for the next few days.

We’ will revert you as soon as restocking is done and deliveries start.

We’ve already posted the update about it here.

It is not a regular order, it is mega sale order and due to that it taking longer than expected.

Please do not worry.


This isn’t Kickstarter. You should have stock before doing a sale.


@Fivo5 from the top rope :joy::joy:


Well that would have been something you should have mentioned weeks ago or atleast provide constant updates and we wouldn’t be here. Your sale started 05/24 and same day I sent over donation and it’s until 2 weeks later that I’m now finding out that now it’s a restocking issue when in the past you communicating it was a shipping delay. Something doesn’t seem right to me but that’s just my 2 cents.


Yeah maybe since they have to make the stock they oversold they will be able to provide batch testing for everything. :eyes:


Dear Builders,

We’re reaching out with deep regret about the delays in shipping your Mega Sale orders. We understand how frustrating it is to wait for your gear, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

Due to the large number of shipments combined with some unanticipated issues with the stock, led to this delay. We want to assure you that we don’t take this lightly. Our team is working tirelessly to restock and process shipments as fast as possible. We’ve delivered many orders already, and the rest are our top priority.

We appreciate your patience as we work around the clock to get your orders back on track. You can expect an update with a revised delivery timeframe very soon.

Thank you again for your understanding.

Extremely sorry buddy! We completely understand your concern. Extrreme apologies for improper communication if you felt that ways! We are putting in all efforts to get your orders delivered to you asap. We totally agree that you have been very patient and we really appreciate that. We are completeply prioritising this, and aligning the stocks and shipments asap.

We will keep you posted with the latest updates on the orders.

Thank you for understanding!

The optics on this are terrible


Sounds like this big outstanding sale wasnt planned accordingly,as in you didnt have enough stock,kinda makes you seem unreliable.This isn’t the first issue either,maybe you need to go to buisness school.

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Has this been adjudicated to your satisfaction?

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Not yet. I was planning on providing weekly updates until so. My suggestion to all is to hold off from ordering until further noticie. I’ll circle back on the next business day. The source hasn’t even bothered reaching out to me directly so :man_shrugging:t4:

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You have been waiting a lot longer than me but In the same boat, placed order on June 1st, only communication I get is when I dm myself

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Glad to hear I’m not the only one. Today marks 3 weeks from the sale & when donation was sent over. I’m crossing my fingers for the best. Thanks for your input!

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Let’s hope so brother


Its hard being patient @HonduDiesel18 but a necessity at times,i appreciate your patience buddy.