Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain

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What does “3/fail” mean?

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Maybe 3 reps in reserve?

10 points to Gryffindor

@Poppy 's house gets no points :stuck_out_tongue:

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Potter reference!

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@Poppy What house are you anyways? I’m thinking Hufflepuff.

At the risk of giving away too much personal info… one of the houses on an extremely popular series had my last name…for real.

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The house of cranky ole bastards

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Slytherins think everyone’s a Hufflepuff.

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Outside of the 9 main houses…there are another 465 on that show.
you are somewhat safe, methinks.

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“Not Slytherin, not Slytherin, not Slytherin…”


Also did rowing for cardio today. Enjoyed it a lot!


My meals get absurdly large when I’m cutting. As you might imagine, yaboi does NOT have any appetite problems :joy:

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Holy smokes…that’s one sitting in the pic?!

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@Poppy Yes. I was a fat kid :stuck_out_tongue:

Just imagine once I’m down to Instagram weight and start bulking :smiley:

Now you know I wasn’t insinuating that…

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Oh dude I know. I didn’t mean it that way. But my appetite is something I still struggle with. So I gotta do shit like this :joy::drooling_face:

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Samo Samo. I was never a “fat kid” but had a ferocious appetite. Not so much now… haven’t eaten big in almost a decade. I just can’t do it anymore.