Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain

Also did HIIT on treadmill 1:4 for 20 minutes

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This injectable l-carnitine/choline mix is a great preworkout! Kinda gives a mild body buzz and feeling of euphoria. Glad Coach recommended it.


Im or subq?

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@Poppy IM! Right now in the upper thighs

Quads and glutes were still sore going in, the glutes much less so.

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I’ve never injected pwo before.

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@Poppy the choline is nuts. Highly recommended.

No heart palpitations?


@Poppy No, nothing like that. Just a mild wave of euphoria and general well being. It’s wild. Kinda like Ecstasy but nowhere near as intense. Kicks out pretty fast too — about 30 minutes or so.

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Where does a guy get such a preworkout as your speaking of. Does it come that way or do you have to mix it yourself


@Rusty Right here! I should note that this can also be used pre-cardio for fat loss or can be shot up 2-3x a day for general usage and well being.


Nice sweetness. Thanks bro. What’s dosage for preworkout. And what’s dosage for well-being.

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@Rusty Not a clue! All I know is my coach has me targeting 200mg l-carnitine pw and titrating up to 300mg of l-carnitine on week 6. The choline is kinda a bonus. I’m using the extra strength blend, so it has mostly carnitine with a smidge of choline. However they sell different mixes depending on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a dope pwo then I’d get a mix that has mostly choline. If you have strength of physique goals you’d like to emphasize, get an l carnitine majority stuff.


Okydoky. Ya more physique. I like the idea also of the feeling of well being whilst working out.


So the “feeling” you described above is directly from this L-cartatine/ choline mix? Interesting


@Jonny it’s definitely from the choline.

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Progress Report

Strong start to this cut. I also forgot that muscle memory is a thing — or maybe this is the first time I was big enough going in to notice a difference? Either way, huge rebound in sheer mass. Compliance and step counts were excellent. There is a blip on one day where I switched to an Apple Watch so I’m missing half the steps from that day. Overall I still managed 8k steps a day, which is my goal.

Implemented HIIT twice a week on the treadmill. It’s absolute murder but it’s only 20 minutes per session so I can handle it. Also the watch let’s me easily keep an eye on my heart rate during training, so I’m also going to swap over to rowing 2x a week after chest training.

The initial weight coming off plus the muscle memory has made a big change to my physique already. Can’t wait to see more changes over the next few weeks.

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I watch my heart and everything close too. My average is 120- 150 during my entire workout. I always walk around a few catching my breath. Usually as I’m walking out my heart is still between 90-100.


Went up on upright rows and flyes.

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