Geek's Show Me the Money Cut/Maintain

Yeah I didn’t mention it in OP, but I have some left over cardarine from a previous course that I’m finishing up. I have enough to last me maybe another month or so and I’ve been taking it as well.


Are you plan to stay high reps this whole meso or will they come down as weight goes up?


@Jonny reps will go down as weighs and sets go up.

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Seeing big results on forearms.


Ok…sillyish question. I believe you ride a keyboard all day.

Does that irritate your forearms/wrists/hands?

Does the direct forearm training help…hurt or neither?

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@Poppy That’s a really good question, but unfortunately it’s hard to tell. I move around a lot anyway because I’m antsy. The only time I’ve ever had wrist issues was when I was dealing with cervical impingement.

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Haha old school description.

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Like calling restless leg syndrome the jimmy legs


Dropped my phone and cracked my screen On my way out to car :tired_face:

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I have small crack on screen

@Dirtnasty my shit looks like someone tossed a spark plug at it

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Can they repair that stuff or new phone?

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@Poppy i pay for insurance on this thing and made a claim first thing when I got back yesterday. I gotta take it to a local repair shop. That said, do not recommend the insurance for iPhones as they do not guarantee water resistance will remain intact after repair. Just use AppleCare. That’s what imma do next time — lesson learned


I’ve said it before…I get paid to be one of the smartest guys on this rock but (often) this smart phone is just frustrating to me. I probably don’t use a fraction of what this blasted thing has capabilities for.

Good to know about water resistance …I’m very hard on all the equipment.


@Poppy i am in deep with apple at this point lol I use Mac, have watch and phone. I’m also a bit dogmatic about using them to their fullest to. I customize my shit heavily


I promise you that you’re a gazillion times smarter than me.

I’m an intermediate (at best) end item user


Man yeah I’ve been there dude tried to rob me at gun point once. I had just fixed screen on phone for 200 I looked at him and just threw my phone and
Told him wasn’t getting shit and I would rather break my logins again than sit there and deal with his pussy ass. I aslo told him if he didn’t kill me when pulling the gun out I was goig to stab his neck with me keys. He either had no bullets or wasn’t expecting a messed up man like me. Worst part is I initially was Giving him a 20 but he saw all the cash I had and got greedy. This crack came from me trying to set camera up at gym and I and think it got a weight on it or something so that’s why I stopped trying to film myslef


Some of these sets were inexplicably harder this week. Front raises and shrugs in particular were harder. Guess I’m tiring those out with previous exercises.


Staring down the barrel of a gun. That takes some cajones