My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

5”10. 190lbs
Inbody scan results say 11.8 body fat.

Back Story: weighed 260 when I started lifting back in July of 2020. Don’t know the body fat percentage. Wasn’t healthy at all. Worked and partied all the time.

Goals: I’d like to get down to 10% bf and hopefully see my abs. that’s my main goal. Then eventually bulk up this upcoming winter. My other goals are to keep pushing myself, learning as much as I can and to keep making my family and friends proud of who I’ve become. Working out pretty much saved me and allows me to keep bettering myself in all aspects of life. Now I don’t party or do anything. I volunteer through my church a lot as well.


Include your backstory and goals brother

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You look great btw


Okay! I will here in a bit thank you!


Im following


Volunteer work is good for ones soul. There’s many folks that are in need of help for one reason or another. Good on you.


Thanks! I really like helping people. I’m a big giver man. Usually I’m too nice but I figure at the end of the day as long as I do my best and I do the right thing then everything will work out how it’s supposed to


Yes sir…pay it forward. One of these days you might need a hand up and someone will be there.

You’re changing the world brother…


Thanks man! Couldn’t do it without the help and guidance of some good people I surround myself with and coming to this site for some good advice and encouragement as well

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Solid work brother



Looking solid, keep at it buddy.


Thank you!

Amazing transformation since dropping all of that weight! :+1: I too made some significant diet and lifestyle changes at the start of the year and it’s amazing how much better I not only look but all of the other aspects in life. I’ve been picking up additional hobbies that I can share doing with the kids and have become much more involved at our church. Basically just got off my ass and stopped feeling sorry for myself and got to work. I try to limit TV for just late evenings or a little show here and there…otherwise I’m either working out or keeping busy with various projects around the house. Stay the course!

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I’ve always been a huge Ayn Rand fan and subscribed to the notion that personal excellence was the most important virtue a person could exemplify. But as I’ve aged, I have experienced the satisfaction and joy of true altruism, of reveling in and supporting the success of others before and above yourself. Not just as a means to an end, but as an end in itself. Love for my wife (my second) brought this out in me. You already appear to have mastered that concept. kudos


Man reading this right before the gym and def got me motivated! I literally think and live in that concept of altruism. Thanks man I really appreciate that

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You made my morning man! I really do live like that. I do everything I can for others cause I believe I’m mentally stronger and more capable of handling things better. I go out of my way to fix peoples cars or do work for them free of charge cause I believe if I know how to do something then tmi should do it to help people. I do make them pay for the parts and stuff tho lol


You are a good guy brother


Thanks! Much appreciated man


Little update guys! I’ve been eating super clean and sitting at 188lbs