My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

Looking jacked and tanned!


Looking tighter for sure brother I remember your last pic I don’t remember your weight but definitely bigger in this picture.

Your shoulders are coming along really nicely and your cuts are much deeper.

Keep hitting it brother


Yeah I been tanning to keep an even color cause I work outside lol


Thanks! Def trying super hard lol

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Veins popping everywhere!!!


I can see the progress brother the one thing I will say is work your core more brother it will help your whole body grow plus give you solid abs.
Add in a core day if you don’t already


I try to do abs every other day and I’m starting to feel then more but honestly I need a new core workout. It’s hard for me to get the squeeze like I do with other muscles

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You look spectacular and are making great progress! My suggestion would be to concentrate on lats, just to enhance your “V” shape even more.


Your good then I just look forward to you having a 12 pac because I can see it happening lol

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Man that’s crazy you said that cause I was about to mention that as well I do then twice a week and I still can’t get them to show good


Thanks man!

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Lats have always been a mind muscle thing for me… pullups… pull downs…rows


No doubt brother you look great you make me jealous im not running right now lol

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You’ll get there! Some body parts come easier than others.


My lats and quads grow easy… I wished i had your delts.


Chest and arms are my bugaboo. Just wasn’t born with size in those areas.

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Yeah I feel they so good but they just won’t show lmao

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And yeah my shoulders traps and pecs seem to just be my best areas I do back and triceps twice a week to try and get them to pop more but idk

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You’ll figure it out.

Current studies indicate you need at 10-20 sets per body part per week to maximize growth. I don’t remember whether that was going to failure each set or what % of 1RM each set was, but I keep that number–10-20 sets–in mind when I set my workouts. If you do a 5X5 routine for each body part two or three times a week, that should do it. For me, I have to do chest three times a week or I go backwards. It’s my weakest area. So that may be what you have to do to make your lats pop. No expert here, just a suggestion. And again, you already look great!