My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

Yeah I try to do or 4 or 5 sets of everything and try to get 20 reps of good squeezes wear I can feel it really good. but just can’t get em to show lol and I do a lot for back exercises and on Saturday I hit it again lol


Man a tan would be nice I need to sit in sun during what would be lifting time tomorrow maybe just put on some sunscreen and nap


How’s the training brother?

It’s going good! Still stuck at 188 was at 187 but I had a cheat day lol I feel and look a lot more Miscular I think lol


Good to hear. Get after it!

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I’m trying! Been eating 2000 calories a day so not sure if I should cut any more then that. Idk what a safe number would be.


Play with it brother. You’ll dial it in. Then you’ll know what you need to go either way.


I would stay there and dial up the workout you should change your workout or diet it will always break a plateu


See I suck at the dieting part lol like I stick to the same foods, whole lot of chicken everyday, turkey,eggs, tuna, simple stuff. I have been looking into pork. Not sure if that’s any good or not. I’m a simple man hahah


Was also thinking of eating more beef as well and steaks. Just don’t feel like I get as much food with steak and stuff

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Steak and pork have a lot of protein… I eat lots of it.


You can keep it simple really simple just choose a protein and cook rice and measure. Not the best for a cut for a cut it would be pick a protein and then pick greens or beans.

That’s simple but simple is usually every meal except one is the same

How are you eating now multiple meals?

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Yeah I’m a gonna give it a try!

Yeah multiple I make everything in the morning and just eat or snack on it through out the day

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That’s perfect but you can prep even earlier than that but whatever works for you brother is best

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Oh I do! All the foods cooked and stuff ready to go. I just weigh everything out in the mornings

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Here’s an updated pic! My v line and abs are slowly starting to show more I feel like and I’m starting to see more faint lines lol atleast I hope :joy:



Looking great!

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Stay on task

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